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Body reflects life


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You go up against dragons, giants, bandits, ghosts, warlocks, and frostbite spiders. You win battle after battle, fight after fight.



And come out with barely a scratch.


Sure, there are the vanilla scars, for the face. But virtually nothing for the body. I would really like to see a mod, a bit like a tattoo mod I guess, where you can add scars all over the body....a small cut on the ankle where a mub crab got you. A dragon breathed fire and you ducked behind your shield, but your lower leg got burnt. You were captured by the Thalmor and have been left with lash marks across your back. That sort of thing. I find it very off putting that I can go up against the greatest evil the world has yet seen, and come out without so much as a bruise. The only body mods I've seen give you a specific set of injuries and scars specific to your character build. What I'd like to see is the sort of scars a hero would naturally get during the events of Skyrim.

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