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Can't initiate a conversation with a companion creature I made...


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A custom companion I made for the Predators mod won't initiate a conversation. Everytime I try to talk to it nothing happens. I set it up exactly like I should have (or at least I think I should have by looking at the vanilla companions). Since I wanted to avoid any conflicts with other mods that add companions, I changed the Editor IDs and FormIDs for all added dialogue. I made sure to copy everything exactly like it appears in a vanilla companion, and it didn't work. I have the "Allow Player Dialogue" option checked as well.
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The initial greeting has to be under GREETING. That is what the game uses to trigger the initial conversation. The topic has to have a condition like GetIsId <npcname> == 1.0. As far as I know, you must set the NPC voice type to a value like DoNotRecordM or else it will also inherit the default dialog of vanilla characters with the same voice type. Still after I do these steps, I have found that until I have one entire dialog path, say at least 1-2 topics, it will not speak. I am not sure of the reason. But, try also adding the second topic.
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Okay, can talk to him now, but he doesn't want to follow me properly. He keeps on going back to his home marker instead of following me when he's hired. He's also attacking the other creatures in his faction when he shouldn't.
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If an actor is set as a playerteammate, teammate faction like the vanilla followers, it will override his original faction membership with respect to the player. If his fellow faction members are hostile to the player, a playerteammate will aggro on them. You can use setenemy http://geck.bethsoft...ex.php/SetEnemy to make them neutral to the playerfaction, but if they are very aggressive, they will attack neutrals on sight anyway, so then you could use setally to make them 'friends' http://geck.bethsoft...dex.php/SetAlly instead.


It sounds like it's follow package variable is not set, or the variable that enables its home package is still set. An actor will use the first package in its list where the conditions will allow, for example if the first package in the list has no conditions on it, or the condition is always true, it will always be active no matter what packages you have below it, or what the state of their conditions are. Also, if you are trying to make it follow with wheel commands, you need to use the topics in the vNPCFollowers to make it work properly, and have the same variables in the object script that the vanilla followers have - waiting, etc, and have these variables control your packages.

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Thanks, I figured it out. I forgot to set the conditions in the Packages. He's working properly now, I think. The mods still beta, as I try to balance it out to make it fun for everyone, and not just those who are capable of taking on a level 50 enemy and his group single-handedly. I wish I knew how to script better so I can make the Predators fight alone.
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