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Bug Report, might not be the right place!


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... I'm just saying that this can't be right, talking to Alistar in camp, haveing the exact same conversation over and over, and get an approval point each time, well I got 4 in a row with the exact conversation, then it stopped, but then I asked him the same question again and there it goes again, he continuing to give approval points and the discussion dos'nt change the slightest, he says no, the conversation is over and I get approval.


So it has to be a bug.


whatever the approval rating is Im not sure of, but for sure high above Neutral, but that doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't get approval for saying the same exact same thing several times in a row, while he gives the same answer.

Sorry, I misunderstood. When you said Alistair was "giving approval away" I assumed that his Approval was going DOWN! :tongue:


To check your current Approval Rating (and Relationship Status, which is not quite the same thing):


o Open your inventory screen and cycle to the character in question. Under the paperdoll is a meter with a marker showing how "full" it is.


If it be adore or love points dos'nt matter, you should get nothing from repeating the exact same dialogue, unless you get better status and the dialogue changes ofcourse.


o Hover your cursor over the marker (or maybe click on it, I forget) and you'll get a popup with a numeric score (that character's Approval Rating) and a word in parentheses (Relationship Status.)


Certain events occur (or are possible) when the Rating gets to certain points (positive AND negative) and certain plot/dialogue branches open (or close) as the Relation Status changes.



"Adore" does NOT equal "Love"! :tongue:




Yeh, I know all about the relationship stuff, because that in it self is rather porly made also imo, some gift and few comments, and showtime ;D


Getting something, whatever it is, from the exact same conversation, just repeated over and over, should'nt happen in my opinion tho, hear me out and listen, there was no change in the conversation what so ever, lets compare it to any ingame NPC saying hello, and you just continue to talk to it over and over and over, getting the exact same response, that was what happened in the camp, but I got approvalpoints or whatever from this, no change in dialogue.


I have been playing games like this since BG1 and Planescape Torment, even a game called Pagan or something aaages ago, Im not a n00b.


I might miss something here, but I can't see what that would be in this case.


My English can be incorrect at times tho ofcourse as Im from Sweden, so consider that when reading.

Edited by Elrandhir
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Just wait until you encounter the wonderful looping dialogues you can have with some of the NPC's. It's not bugged, just poorly scripted.


I give up, that oridinary NPC's say things over and over again is how it has been for I don't know how long, and thats hard to change, because you can't really get a new answer ever time you talk to someone or they would need to have an endless dialogue script, but getting something in return when this happens is another thing, even if it's a trivial thing.


So yes, it is surely a bug, a porly designed script is a bug in a sence also.

Edited by Elrandhir
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Yeh, I know all about the relationship stuff, because that in it self is rather porly made also imo, some gift and few comments, and showtime ;D

No, no... I wasn't referring to being able to join someone in their tent. There are long-term impacts on a variety of plot issues depending on your Warden's relationship status with the Companions. And even if a Companion's approval RATING is at [x] in two cases, it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing, (e.g. what dialogue options are presented) if the Relationship Status is different.

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Like everyone said, it's not a bug but a relationship flag that you have to pass. You need about... 70 percent approval (doesn't matter if you are in adore or friendly) in order to teach you or others about the specialty. Additionally you could always buy the tome in-camp if you are really desperate. Oh and one more thing, other characters act differently towards teaching but eventually if you are patient, you can find their specialties available without talking too much to them.
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Let me put this simple, relationshipflag, or approval flag, and?


It's just that he gives me this every time I talk to him, in the same exact conversation, repeating the same exact thing, both he and I.


Im actuallly not sure how I can put it any simpler... you should neither get approval, nor relationship points in a conversation that has been done already, and when the NPC says the exact same thing and there is no new options.


Im starting to belive my English is much worse then I thought when noone can seem to get what Im saying.


I know new options will come when I have enough approval, and I know I will have a better chance at a romance if I impress the girl/boy, give them gifts or whatever, but that was'nt the issue atall and it seems to illude everyone.


If I see another response saying something obvious again, Il really will give up explaining why I think It's a bug.


From what I have read in some posts, they seem to don't even read what Im saying, because it's all just repetitions and things that you should know that I know from what I have written...maby Im talking to NPC's :P

Edited by Elrandhir
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I get what your saying and to be honest does it matter, you have asked him once got some minor appro point so why keep badgering the man, get on with the quests come back and ask him again later, when he will teach you and the problem goes away. I can see that it's probably a bug, but BW didn't figure anyone would want to keep asking the same question over and over for one point.


That dialogue option can't go away until he has passed on his knowledge otherwise you can't unlock that skill, I don't suppose many people would even bother to ask him that question over and over having been told 'no'. I agree it probably is a very minor bug and in a perfect world it would/should/could be fixed, but I'm sure there are much worse bugs in the game than that. Ignore it and play on.

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We understand but as ell said it doesn't matter. Like I said, eventually would have the skill and you don't need to talk to him about it. Otherwise just buy the manual instead.
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