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As announced earlier this week, in a few weeks, the first details on Skyrim will be shared in the February issue of Game Informer. We can't wait for you to see the cover story, BUT....


Not here! We do not allow magazine scans or links to scans on other sites on this forum. Not for Game Informer, or any magazine preview thereafter.


Likewise, we will not tolerate anyone transcribing the article* and posting that, or posting links to a transcription.


Our moderators will be keeping an eye on these and removing links, handing out warnings, suspensions, and so on. So be good, and don't do that.


*To be clear, if you've read the article, you're free to discuss it in the forums.


Well, being a primary source for mods and bethesda often having linked to this place. I doubt it. As that'd mean a loss of credit at bethesda and I think they want to keep a health relationship with them here :P.

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  • 3 weeks later...
As long as it's not a scan or a copy, I think it should be fine - can't expect people to keep their mouth totally shut when giving them 20 pages of Skyrim material! :P
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You are allowed to paraphrase or include short quotes. But not quote or copy the entire article here as that would be a copyright infringement.


Another option is to make a link to the article. As that sends the reader directly to the source.


Best, a combination of your personal commentary, and a link to allow readers to see the source in it's entirety, then end with a comment including your take on the article.

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