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Beefington - Qunari Mod


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Modded off of N100 Core, this morph will make the Qunari...well...Beefy!


Below is the alpha, but there are still a couple of issues. I need to figure out how to do that armor override so that whatever is equipped it will look the same (any help is appreciated!)

Also, I want to figure out how to assign the Qunari body on the chargen screen for player use. I wonder if it is as simple as changing the UTC appearance to Qunari? I plan on doing barbarian gear as well as nude version.





Edited by freakworks
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Modded off of N100 Core, this morph will make the Qunari...well...Beefy!


Below is the alpha, but there are still a couple of issues. I need to figure out how to do that armor override so that whatever is equipped it will look the same (any help is appreciated!)

Also, I want to figure out how to assign the Qunari body on the chargen screen for player use. I wonder if it is as simple as changing the UTC appearance to Qunari? I plan on doing barbarian gear as well as nude version.



Not sure if this is what you're asking but if you want to override default armors with your own all you have to do is name it the same as the default armors and put it in the override.

Edited by rainshock
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Thanks rain, but you know how no matter what you equip morrigan with, her outfit looks the same? That is what I'm trying to figure out.

Anything designated as Type="Clothing" will keep the look (and hide any boots/gloves) regardless of the item's stats. I put different robes on Morri all the time, and her appearance switches accordingly. But swap just her boots and you don't see any change. :laugh:

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