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Unique weapon speeds


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Recently, I've found bows to be firing a little too quickly, even without Zephyr or the Quickshot perk. I reduced my weapon speed by about 35% and it made drawing bows a lot more satisfying (odd, I know), but it also made me swing swords a lot slower, which made hand-to-hand combat unsatisfying.


A mod that makes certain bows draw slower/deal more damage would be great. Heavy, orcish and daedric bows could draw slowly but deal massive damage, while lighter bows like the hunting and elven bows could draw quickly, not shoot as far, and deal less alpha damage.


A SkyTweak-esque MCM menu would be perfect for this. It might also work if two, mutually exclusive perks were added to the archery tree; one perk would decrease draw speed and increase damage/arrow speed, while the other would increase draw speed and decrease damage/arrow speed.

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