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What are your favorite targets?


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I recently finished another play through a few days back and prepped some save files for whenever the DLC hits PC. After running through New Vegas Bounties (which I recommend highly), I've found myself a bit stumped as for what to hunt.


What are your favorite targets?



Cazadores - If they weren't found in numbers, I wouldn't mind going after these on a regular basis. While I can handle them, with my low avg fps its not the most pleasant experience.


Deathclaws - After the Junction and the Promontory (and practically everywhere they're found) the only natural respawn I get of them is at Dead Wind. While I still get a rush when one starts charging (especially if I'm reloading), they get kinda old.


Vipers/Gunslingers - I could probably just modify some leveled item lists to make them more interesting, but as they stand now they're pretty pathetic after the first few levels.


Mercs - really wish there were more of these, albeit more of them geared like the one that drops the YCS and have them actually roaming the desert


Great Khans - probably the closest thing to a target I'd like to kill - but I just like them too much to slaughter them, I'd feel guilty


Brotherhood - As much fun as it would be to waste the bunker, I just can't bring myself to do it. The only thing I miss about the enclave was that it was like fighting BoS without the guilt.


Geckos - while animal friend makes all but the fire breathing friendly (not sure why they aren't normally included), they stop being fun once you've got decent weapons


Ghouls - If they aren't feral, I'm not gonna kill them, they've been through enough. Just wish the hostile ones had better loot to make them feel more rewarding.


Legion - probably just need to arm them better before the dam with the Geck, the whole bringing a knife to a gunfight makes them all too easy prey.


NCR - better loot, but the soldiers already have enough problems.


Robots - wish there were more, preferably respawning - but in the Mojave Wasteland one would expect them more a rarity


Lakelurks - make me wish mirelurks were around, I miss how much harder their head/face was to hit.


Mutants - Marcus is my boy, and the Mountain ones know better than to attack me, so hostiles are too few and far between. Like how they feel meaner than in FO3 tho.


PowderGangers - not enough respawning hostiles (without modding), loot is pretty weak for the later levels


Boomers - while tempting since they did try to *ban me* up, enjoy watching the napalm drop in the end battle


Radscorpions - while pretty scary for the poorly equipped, that's about it


Fiends - after the bounties, they're a lot less fun to kill (for me at least)

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I'm having to mod fiends to have better loot for the later levels, but yes definitely a staple.


Nightkin remind me of the scripted "scary" events in games like the Resident Evil Series or Doom. Unlike in OA, it's a bit more intimidating to have a huge super mutant decloaking and charging you with a big weapon. Running Ferals also tend to give one a nice little rush.

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I like killing the human stuff...


Anything that can shoot back at me is fun.


I like sniping with a anti materiel rifle with INC bullets though, so most of the time they never get close enough to shoot back.


That's the drawback with the sniper playstyle, as you're rarely actually threatened. But it definitely beats the FO3 snipe one and everyone still alive knows exactly where you are setup. I try to think of it as being rewarded for playing smarter.

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Unarmed is awesome, at least when I get passed the fact that I actually have to take some damage as my prey now actually has a chance hehe. Found it a little strange that the ballistic fist does a bit of area damage yet only fires a single projectile.


Energy weapons are a lot more useful once you mod the ammo like the ps3 patch, though meltdown ended up being a lot more powerful than I expected. While its fun to watch the explosions, it keeps energy from being a useful in cqb. That, and it doesn't really make sense for someone I just tore through with a gatling laser to look like they just stepped on a plasma mine on each death.

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Brotherhood - As much fun as it would be to waste the bunker, I just can't bring myself to do it. The only thing I miss about the enclave was that it was like fighting BoS without the guilt.


The BoS in New Vegas are too arrogant to like in my opinion. If I'm not going to use Veronica in a playthrough I'll walk into Hidden Valley with the Pulse Gun and dare them to try and disarm me.

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Brotherhood - As much fun as it would be to waste the bunker, I just can't bring myself to do it. The only thing I miss about the enclave was that it was like fighting BoS without the guilt.


The BoS in New Vegas are too arrogant to like in my opinion. If I'm not going to use Veronica in a playthrough I'll walk into Hidden Valley with the Pulse Gun and dare them to try and disarm me.


I concur. I've settled on taking out McNamara for putting a slave collar on me, but now that Hardin is in charge I can't find him. Is there a prison that he is in? At any rate, I took out the Van Graffs, as doing so coincided with my objectives anyways. Thinking of leaving some mines and frag grenade stocking-stuffers though after I learn Power Armor Training.


After playing unarmed I am thinking of a Sniper/Flamer build. Would like to see meltdown in action and to pop some heads from 1 mile away.

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