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[Request] Insane Slider Capabilities


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So, I was watching my friend play The Sims 3 The other day, and he had a mod installed that was called "Master Controller" Or something.

Thing is, He was able to create such monstrosities of characters like This:

http://i48.servimg.com/u/f48/17/38/15/54/screen60.jpgAs well as these:



After scouring the internet for related mods that I could use with skyrim to give the character creation sliders such capability, I've found no such thing to exist.

SO. Here's my idea.

Make a mod that can extend all Character creations sliders to a scale that could be capable of creating something along the lines of the monstrosities above. Of course, It wouldn't be exactly just these three characters, all sliders in creation would be scaled up.


My question is, "Is this possible?"

I mean, the way I see it, if it was, this might have been attempted SOMEWHERE already, right..?


Anyways, that's my idea, my most likely unoriginal idea.


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