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Help with coma script


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So I made an injured NPC who is supposed to sleep on his bed. But whenever I enter my worldspace he is just standing next to it. You cant speak to him and interact with him so the coma is working but he isn't lying on his bed. However when I wait somewhere in my worldspace and go back to him, then he is lying on his bed.


Thats my script:


Scriptname 999NCRfeComascript
begin onactivate
begin onload
setunconscious 1
Anything wrong in the script or why wont he lie on his bed when I enter the worldspace for the first time?
Edited by NDDragor
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If you want him to lie on the bed, give him an AI package to instruct him to do so.


He already has the package and is lying on the bed but only after i use the "wait" option in my game, but I want him to lie on the bed as soon as I enter the worldspace.

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