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New Patch, New Bugs, Catalog

frank lee

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Since update 4 ( Patch) I've had some interesting stuff occurring. Thought it might be useful to catalog them and keep the New Patch by Jim_UK thread for general discussion. So if any of the genius(es? Geniii??) that come up with stuff like 'Community Bugfix' need to refer they don't have to wade through dozens of pages of chat.


Installed the patch and new NVSE. Went back to a Lvl1 save and restarted the game mods 'n all


Player character went transparent in Primm (about 50%) restarted an shortly CDT

Locked up ghoul west of Nipton road reststop. shot him then went up and hit it with sword - CDT

Nipton - no bodies on crosses

Nipton road pit stop now has some ferocious respawn rate. Like the vipers respawn if I cross the road!


that's what I got so far but I'm not accustomed to CDT's an if this gets any worse I'm gonna try rollback or reinstall

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updated graphics drivers recently?

I've not had any major issues since the patch so far, but before it I had a few CDT the majority went away with a driver update (I don't update my drivers much all too often something that was fine can be broken by a driver update)

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updated graphics drivers recently?

I've not had any major issues since the patch so far, but before it I had a few CDT the majority went away with a driver update (I don't update my drivers much all too often something that was fine can be broken by a driver update)


The Graphics card is only 3 weeks old! Previously running the game on a 512 courtesy card was a glitch fest, new card & drivers glitcharama gone, except usual nav mesh and recognized quest bugs.

Post update 4 a fresh crop of weirdness different from stuff that was happening even with the 512 card in.

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Glad to know im not the only one whos having so many issue since the update,


I dont mean to bash on Betheseda and Obsidian,because I know the hard work and effort that goes into the creation of a game but New Vegas feels half-assed and empty compared to Fallout 3.


the patch has caused the Velxuarus guy to vanish from Nipton. So that quest is broken now.


the old patch made it so recruiting Boone was a hassle.I had to push my target to the spot for it to work.


Patches are the devs ways of fixing some bugs and adding tons more.

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