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Favourite Encounters and quests!


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I was thinking of making a list of what I have liked most so far, but I will need to take abit more time to go over things to really get a list of any length.

It was meant to be a Positive and Negative list.


The best parth of the game so far for me as I have stated in some other thread is The fade quest, it's interessting and amusing, more of this please :D.




1. The Fade quest

2. Don't remember quest name, but the werewolf quest was also rather entertaining.

3. The arena fights in the Dwarven city, maby nothing that made you go woah, but it was somewhat entertaining.


Nothing Special, but acceptable

1.Cartas Hideout



1. Morrigan and her way of saving the gray wardens life, I would have liked to see another ending on that parth, even tho you don't need to accept her proposal, it's still unsattesfying.

2. Maby Im just stupid, but I thought that the walking over the bridge test was abit to hard, there should have been more logic to it, I like riddles like in the room before, but the character moveing to different places to get over was abit to much.

3. The quest for the Anvil (Deep Roads), it had it's moments, but there was to much time spent just killing utterly boring critters, there need to be more excitement between the bigger encounters if a place is that large.


Yeah yeah, I know this is not a long list, but when time I will put some more effort into this and make a longer Positive and Negative list, nothing is stopping anyone else, haveing played trough the game more then once to make a list of their own below.


Special Notes

If any of the Party members run into the hurling fire or whatever aoe effects, then they deserve to die, they should be smart enough to not do so, unless you actually order them into the havoc.


Well, thats it for now, Il fill the list up more later, as I have seen a lot of very poor but also very entertaining quests.


Sorry about posting in the general discussion, it just happened ;D but got moved now so, feel free to add you'r own thoughts until I come up with more to add to the list.

Edited by Elrandhir
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1. Morrigan and her way of saving the gray wardens life, I would have liked to see another ending on that parth, even tho you don't need to accept her proposal, it's still unsattesfying.



Morrigan disapproves -100 :tongue:

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Quests I liked:

- Nature of the Beast: Besides having one of my favorite soundtrack pieces in the dungeon section, I really liked the overall story and the conclusion (and multiple endings) of it. I normally play as an elf, which added a nice extra tension after learning the truth about Zathrian. Bonus points for the Arcane Warrior encounter.

- The Final Onslaught(?): The rooftop episode, fighting Big Archie. Bonus points for best battle music in the game.

- City Elf Origin: My favorite origin. For me it fits the Grey Warden aspect best - a dweller of an oppressed, poor and closed society suddenly thrown in the wide open world to primarily save a race the character (at least mine) have sworn to oppose - bonus points for having to cooperate with such individuals as number one condition of survival (Alistair, Morrigan, Duncan...)

- Encountering shriek-Tamlen. It was the only moment in the game I was truly shocked.


Quests that I liked to a degree:

- A Paragon of her Kind: Many options and a lot of adventure. The negative part of it was the incredible amount of cannon fodder critters to slay to achieve simple goals.

- Broken Circle: I always found it too easy, and the Fade episode got tiring after two playthroughs (thank goodness for that mod), but again the conclusion was utterly epic

- Dark Ritual: I was glad to have a way out, but IMO the Warden should be able to immediately get rid of Morrigan. Something like stabbing her in the face right after Archie goes down, or throw her down from Fort Drakon. You know, "you have outlived our usefulness". Witch Hunt gave some relief to this although I'm skeptical whether you can actually kill her in it.


Quests I dislike:

- Saving Redcliffe: Just boring slaughter of low-end critters.


Along with any "Go place A, kill bad guys X, get +1 spell resistance pendant." quests

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Quest I Like:

Nature of the Beast = The only plot story which I find "unpredictable". I was thinking it would simply end up by slaying Lady of the Forest. It does lead to that path but alternative path about turning against Zathran for his own involvement in the past is interesting. It's one rare case where Bioware actually manage to turn "good guy" into "bad guy", instead of the boring "recruit the bad guys" plot.


Most fun and frustating thing to do : Playing with toolset.


Things I don't like:

DR ( Dark Ritual ) is the worst solution I have ever came across. Bioware claim the plot is important for future DA. Yeah right. They probably going to kill Morrigan in DA3 so that my "old god son" could freely begin a new "unrelated sensible" story on his own way.


The bridge puzzle in Sacred Urn Ashes plot. I waste one day and a half trying to remember which plate to step, the order and how to arrange my companions only to find myself browsing the net for reference because my memory fail me. :wallbash: The second time I reach there, I simply hit console command and jump area. I never bother to solve it since then. I never like solving puzzles. They take too much time to solve ( well... sometimes ). I don't enjoy being stuck. I don't enjoy guessing. I don't enjoy trial error solutions. If there anymore puzzles such as this in the future, it going to be goodbye to Bioware's games. I mean it. :down:


When I play dwarf origin, I found out my dwarven sister is a prost***!!! I lost words at it........ Bioware certainly has a very odd way to make players happy. Do they really need to potray life that hard?


I am forced to have Ammo Jarro in NWN2. I am given choice to recruit Loghain in Origin. I am given choice to recruit Nathanael Howe in Awakening. Who's my next recruitable antagonist?


A child can accidently invoke very powerful blood mage spell with little training. That child doesn't even have to use anyone's "life force" to summon a demon. He might not even master the use of lyrium or blood yet. Wow. I feel very sad for the apprentice mages who still can't cast fireball properly.


Overall, storywise isn't the strongest point for me but it's graphic, toolset and mods.


That's all for now.

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Quest I Like:

Nature of the Beast = The only plot story which I find "unpredictable". I was thinking it would simply end up by slaying Lady of the Forest. It does lead to that path but alternative path about turning against Zathran for his own involvement in the past is interesting. It's one rare case where Bioware actually manage to turn "good guy" into "bad guy", instead of the boring "recruit the bad guys" plot.


Most fun and frustating thing to do : Playing with toolset.


Things I don't like:

DR ( Dark Ritual ) is the worst solution I have ever came across. Bioware claim the plot is important for future DA. Yeah right. They probably going to kill Morrigan in DA3 so that my "old god son" could freely begin a new "unrelated sensible" story on his own way.


The bridge puzzle in Sacred Urn Ashes plot. I waste one day and a half trying to remember which plate to step, the order and how to arrange my companions only to find myself browsing the net for reference because my memory fail me. :wallbash: The second time I reach there, I simply hit console command and jump area. I never bother to solve it since then. I never like solving puzzles. They take too much time to solve ( well... sometimes ). I don't enjoy being stuck. I don't enjoy guessing. I don't enjoy trial error solutions. If there anymore puzzles such as this in the future, it going to be goodbye to Bioware's games. I mean it. :down:


When I play dwarf origin, I found out my dwarven sister is a prost***!!! I lost words at it........ Bioware certainly has a very odd way to make players happy. Do they really need to potray life that hard?


I am forced to have Ammo Jarro in NWN2. I am given choice to recruit Loghain in Origin. I am given choice to recruit Nathanael Howe in Awakening. Who's my next recruitable antagonist?


A child can accidently invoke very powerful blood mage spell with little training. That child doesn't even have to use anyone's "life force" to summon a demon. He might not even master the use of lyrium or blood yet. Wow. I feel very sad for the apprentice mages who still can't cast fireball properly.


Overall, storywise isn't the strongest point for me but it's graphic, toolset and mods.


That's all for now.


I cheated on the bridge, looked at a walktrough, as you I hate being stuck, and I really haven't got the patience to write every step I do down, logical things or riddles are okay, but that bridge was just annoying.


Nice walktrough if you face something completely stupid like that.

Dragon Age Walktrough

Edited by Elrandhir
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Agreed about that bridge puzzle.


On Connor: I totally bought this storyline. The whole point of forcing every child born with magical ability to go to the Circle is that untrained mages are very EASY for demons to possess. The weaker the mage, the more attractive to the demon. Connor didn't summon a desire demon, she found him. She was naturally attracted to his clumsy childish spell attempts.


Which kind of proves the Circle right, that all mages need help from early childhood.

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I loved ALL the puzzles and would happily sit here for hours to solve them by myself, I get a great sense of achievement when I solve a puzzle. The bridge I found easy with the help of a pen and paper, so I didn't forget which bridge piece each slab activated when stood on. The up and over camera angle really helped with that and the fire puzzle in the Shale DLC. I've read that in DA2 we won't have this camera angle so we either aren't going to get puzzles like this or it's not going to be easy to see what you are doing.


I didn't like some of the side quests, they seemed a bit pointless eg. get 10 potions and give to X. I don't even accept those, they can get their own. I don't have a favourite place/quest to do or go to, but I do have a place I don't like doing and that's Lothering, I find that very boring everything else I enjoy even now after playing for just over a year.


The Deep Roads is long but I didn't always go on a dungeon crawl one Thaig after the other, unless I'm in the mood to do so. I would come up for air and maybe go to camp, do some shopping even leave Orzammar and go and do a couple of side quests then go back. I think they could have made a lot more of the camp than they did. It could have reflected where you were when you went to camp so you could have camped in the DRoads just the party of 4 or had snow if you camped in the Frostback Mountains, but nooooo! every camp was the same like you packed up not only the tents, but the grass and trees as well then put it all back in exactly the same place where ever you go.


I thought some of the dialogue left a bit/lot to be desired and made for very stilted and unsatisfactory conversations.


The endings for me were dreadful it didn't matter what you chose they all sucked, now I've experienced all 3 or is it 4, I can't remember I end my games before the DR.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Things I liked:


1. All the character interaction with the Companions. I'm on my who-knows-many'th partial playthrough and I'm still not sure I've found out everything there is to know about my companions. The depth of characterisation is the main thing I like about the game.


2. No character, no matter how minor, ever acts without reason. You don't get tricked or betrayed etc because the person plotting against you is some kind of two-dimensional 'evil', whether in character origin or the wider game. Every character does what they do because they genuinely believe it will further their own goals, or from some honest emotional reaction. That's fantastic attention to detail and great storytelling.


Quests I liked:


1. The Werewolf Quest. As others have said, this really is the most interesting. It's a compelling story, you get to explore some interesting areas and it's about the right length. Plus I love the rhyming Ent :D


2. Escaping Fort Drakon. If you are being rescued by your friends, this is hilarious. If not, it's quite challenging. Sten bluffing his way in had me in stitches.


3. The Gauntlet. Puzzles! Loved 'em! Yes, even the bridge! :D


Quests I'm kinda neutral about:


1. The Wizard's Tower. Solid enough, but The Fade gets old after the first few times. It roughly doubles the length of the wizard tower, which is too long.


2. Lothering. As inevitable first missions go it's not bad, but it could be better. It always annoys me that I can't use the Right Of Conscription on Jowan.


Quests I Dislike:


1. The Deep Roads. One massive, boring slog of constant combat. The Dwarves are under siege. We get it. Too long with no real variation in content.

Edited by ElliotKane
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