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Skyrim: Hearthfire, odd house glitch


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I constructed Lakeview Manor, then got the Heljarchen Hall property. I began constructing the Heljarchen home; built the first portion, then the larger hall. Turned around to see nothing there. I assumed it was just a delay and went off to purchse more logs. Came back, still no house. Oddly enough I was able to build the three additional wings and they showed up just fine. You can see the three wings, but not the two main portions. If I go upstairs above the armory or bedrooms, I can enter the second level of the house normally. It looks slightly off, but I was able to furnish the house without any other problems. I walk out the front door, and still no main portions of the house. I've read that there are some mods that can lead to this conflict, but I don't have any of the offending mods I've seen listed.


So now the plot thickens. I traveled back to Lakeview and went inside the house, opened the door to go into the bedroom and there was a wall preventing me from entering. Opened the other door, same thing. Went across to the armory, and found walls there as well. Back of the house, going to the storage room...you guessed it. Wall. Then I realizd what happened. The two main portions of the house that I built in Heljarchen somehow ended up in Lakeviw and are now blocking off the three additions to the Lakeview house.


Is this something that you've encountered before, or am I just freakishly unlucky like that? Are there any known ways to correct this issue, other then uninstalling Hearthfire and re-upping it again? I really don't want to do that, as building those houses is massively time consuming and overall, one of the least enjoyable aspects of the game for me.

Edited by Valag
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Okay, so out of frustration, I uninstalled and re-upped Hearthfire. Went around and bought all of my properties again. This time the first house I attempted to build was in Heljarchen. Knocked together the starter house, and it didn't show up. Fast traveled to Lakeview, and there was the starter house I'd just built at Heljarchen Hall. I reloaded my saved game, went to, and built Lakeview Manor. After that I fast traveled to Windstad Manor and began building it....only it didn't appear. So I traveled back to Lakeview and sure enough, the starter hous had built itself in the exact same spot as Lakeview. Walls blocking the doorways, just as I described above.


So unless someone has suggestions of how to fix this, or perhaps can point me in the direction of a mod that will correct the problem, I am the proud owner of two vacant lots.

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