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Please, need facegen help


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well, i can't be sure how other people have done this

i know that ThrottleKitty has created a different head mesh, and i guess he didn't have to use the FaceGen for this (you can open the meshes in NifSkope, then export to a 3D modeling program, and edit it through that program)

as for textures, i don't know how they could be made, to fit the head, but i guess it's trial and error


i would suggest you to contact ThrottleKitty, and ask him how he did it

this is probably the best answer that you will be able to find

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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There is a program called Facegen to Oblivion that will put your fg files into an Oblivian savegame. It is included in this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29908 along with some fg files you can try. Putting a new headmesh into Oblivion requires a whole other level of skill and there are not too many people who could help you with that.


But most importantly, above all else, I'm pretty sure ThrottleKitty is a he, not a her.

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in that case, it's probably how he did it (using the full FaceGen, i mean)


so i guess this cannot really be done

however, you can see that there are many face textures that people have made, that use either the normal head meshes, or TK's head meshes

so i suppose you could just make a new texture with the changes you wanted (if the head is usable for your idea, that is)


whatever the case, good luck to you

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I have another idea. When you import a face from facegen into Oblivion, where does the data pertaining to that face get saved?


The way I figure, Oblivion may be seperating the texture from the mesh, conforming the faces' data to the way face data is normally configured within the data files. That way Oblivion can actually load the information.


If this is the case, could the converted face files be retrieved?

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I think all it really does is tell the existing head mesh how to morph to approximate the shape you achieved in facegen.


What you could do is what I did with my Navatar mod, which was to import Head06 into Blender and use the sculpt tools to reshape the mesh. If you look at the nose on the Navatar Head06 mesh you will see how different it is.


It is a lot of work, but if nothing else you will have some fun and probably learn a few things along the way.



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Thought I might look this thread up after the PM. It was worded a bit funny and I thought someone had pirated FaceGen Customizer and was asking me for help using it. Not the case it seems.


What is it exactly that you're trying to do? It sounds like you're either wanting to transfer a face you made in FaceGen Modeler into Oblivion for a player/npc face, or you want to access the resulting face model and texture for a given face? For the former, the FG Exchanger app was already linked.


The model/texture for a face isn't stored as an actual model/texture*. RGMage2 is correct, .fg files or Oblivion plugins/saves just store the slider value in a big chunk to be interpreted whenever needed. It all happens in memory; instances of the model/texture are modified by the sliders to produce the shapes and tones. NPC faces can however be baked out to files, so you do get access to the difference textures that way. Scanti has a little tool for combining them into the base textures.



But more important than my gender is that I'm spelled entirely in lowercase. :P

Edited by throttlekitty
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