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When someone who knows how to make Custom Animations decides to do such a simple yet difficult project, I suspect we will have dragons. Theres no one curently working on a mod like this in my knowledge. Yet.
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is there anyway of taking something from real life (e.g. a bird) and making a dragon based on that? they are both basically the same thing but on a bigger scale and different texture.
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is there anyway of taking something from real life (e.g. a bird) and making a dragon based on that? they are both basically the same thing but on a bigger scale and different texture.


Sure, you supply the motion capture equipment (software (3ds compatable) and all the hardware (including windtunnel) as well as the bird (and an imunity from PETA since sticking small reflective parts to a bird, and securing a bird to a single point, forcing it to fly would certainly piss off someone). Then I'll see about converting it over.

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is there anyway of taking something from real life (e.g. a bird) and making a dragon based on that? they are both basically the same thing but on a bigger scale and different texture.


Sure, you supply the motion capture equipment (software (3ds compatable) and all the hardware (including windtunnel) as well as the bird (and an imunity from PETA since sticking small reflective parts to a bird, and securing a bird to a single point, forcing it to fly would certainly piss off someone). Then I'll see about converting it over.


what i meant was to do it in your back garden or a field, and when they fly off and stuff... not actually doing things like that. what i meant was to get the way that it lands, takes off and flys on your computer and edit that in any way. on a computer you can slow it down so you can see how fast it goes and everything. just an idea to get the mod moving, not nothing about sticking things on birds or making them stay still. lure them in with some food, then go over to them to make them fly off... you are not forcing them to fly off.

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Dragons would be interesting, but sort of out of place in the world of Morrowind, although at one time I suppose they must have been part of the world or else how would one explain the Blood of Kings and the Dragonfire?


The only flying creature I have run across in game is the butterfly. If all you want are ornamental dragons, maybe someone could retexture the butterfly - possibly like a "fairy dragon" like in old skool D&D? Then the animations would be done already?

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