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Making it fly higher can be done with NifSkope. Actually (I think that) the butterfly is a particle made with NifSkope?


(Groans agonizingly.)


Must... get... copy... of... Max9...


Stupid lack of Blender support. Seriously, as soon as I've saved the money, I am DONE with open source.

As soon as I get the money, I'm going on that OO C++/Assembler programming course -- and rewriting Blender is top-on-the-list after that ;)

(And in 10 years, I'm off to the third thing on the list: Windows ;) Windows are good, but windows with holes -- no-go.)

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As soon as I get the money, I'm going on that OO C++/Assembler programming course -- and rewriting Blender is top-on-the-list after that ;)

(And in 10 years, I'm off to the third thing on the list: Windows ;) Windows are good, but windows with holes -- no-go.)


You are the king and I worship at your shrine.


I'll still probably go halfsies and buy Max9 with my sibling Sawu. I want the friggin' particle effects and I want them NOW. (Or in six months, when I've had time to amass the $300 for half the student price after I pay all these med school app fees.)

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Cant you just take the akatosh (or what ever he is called :P) And bring him to life?


Thats easier then doing a whole new dragon anyway... :P

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