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Cleaving damage


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In reality a 'cleave' or 'sweep' where you hit multiple opponents is absurd. But then so is shooting lightning from a walking stick and flying lizards who shout fire...


There is already a 'cleave' in the game, as many have pointed out. What? Do you want to cut down enemies like your swathing blades of grass with each stroke?

Edited by FordPerfect
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Cleave damage shouldn't be difficult to implement as long as Bethesda does these things:



There is nothing more to implement lol. That was my point all along . There IS a cleaving attack already in the game yet you speak as if there was none.


Cleave from 2h sweep power attacks are very simple to use and during my first playthrough it was very annoying. No matter what fight my follower would die because he move into my sweep range 180° in from of me. It is understandable that people would want a 2h to start with cleave. All of the high damage AE spells have long casting times and are not worth the mana or time use to cast them. Also, they have the same issue I had with sweeping strike AE tends to kill any followers you have.



which is why having followers is optional . Again, in real life if you were to cast a fireball at your ennemy while your best friend is fighting him in melee, you'd have a good chance of blowing your friend to pieces . I see no reason to make it any different in a game . It only adds more challenge to it and again more realism. This forces you to choose between having followers and therefore having to watch where you swing your weapon or how to use your spells OR playing totally alone and nuking your oponents like an angry god .



Skyrim is far from "realism". Believable is probably the better word to describe stuff like this in a fantasy world. And no one's asking for aoe arrow firing...



You seem to have misunderstood me there, i only used the AoE arrow firing as an example of non realistic combat as opposed to what Skyrim offers in terms of combat realism and again i will try to explain what i mean by ''REALISM" . I actualy never said that Skyrim was 100 % realistic , i even said that it wasn't .By saying that YES Skyrim fighting system had it's Flaws juste like everything else. I did compare Skyrim to MMOs and to Diablo and said that Skyrim offered some MORE realistic fighting than those other games.


Some people seem to beleive that just because Skyrim has dragons and magic then we should simply throw all realism down the drain . I do not agree. Like Khorak said in his post , in different words, i like to beleive that whatever my character can do is still humanly possible . Even though Magic isn't real , that doesn't make it unrealistic in a world such as skyrim. And as i said in another post, i play this game to experience how life would be in a world with Magic and Dragons and that takes place in a medieval setting. But despite all of that, i do not wish for my character to be able to do anything that isn't humanly possible . Even though there are things in skyrim that are NOT humanly possible, i still beleive that if i compare it to any other games i've played, Skyrim beats them all.


Now please people don't quote me again saying that skyrim isn't realistic , I KNOW it isn't . Only it is compared to most games.

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