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[Request] Wandering Indoril Armor


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http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GaJTPJyCRHA/TUe2PAR1QII/AAAAAAAAAHw/ChTzS9NgaII/s400/ordinator%2Bspeedee.jpgI was thinking while wandering the lands of solsthiem "since most of the dark elf houses have either split or disbanded, what ever would have happened to the great warriors in the indoril house?" I came across a cool image while i googled this question and thought "this image looks like it would be some indoril warrior that somehow escaped all the happenings of morrowind, or some armor handed down to some dunmer from a family line". so i was wondering if someone could perhaps make this armor reality for I do not have the talent to make mods. from what i see on the armor it looks like it could be a pretty quick reskin of bonemold armor, with one pauldron removed. and the gloves removed from the gauntlet part of the bonemold gauntlets. those are just my thoughts on it tho. Credit goes to the illustrator of this image who is Casey Parkhurst. http://caseyparkhurst.blogspot.com/ here's a link to his stuff.

Edited by RoastinMallows
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