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I think it would be cool if someone implemented a system that scaled with 2h skill level, or created a perk, that gave power attacks with 2 handed maces a chance to send people flying a bit and make them rag doll. I searched abunch but I couldn't find anything like that. I don't see how critical charging someone with a massive mace as a beastly orc doesnt budge someone. It would be unique, and give maces some awesome flavor. Big maces just dont feel right as is, hitting someone with a katana vs a sledge hammer in real life wouldnt have the same effect and just make them stumble back a bit equally, especially if the guy with the sledge hammer is a 250 pound nord or ect...


If you've ever seen the Mace of Sauron mod think along those lines.

much slower attacks but massive impacts

Edited by gt5t
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