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alternative skill system


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I do not even know where to start on something like this so it thought i would ask.


I'd like to use "knowledge orbs", it should be a dup'd dragon soul setup. What I want is to make a bunch bonus prek(I forget can you make new preks?) like continuous enchantments use an orb and buy the the ability you want. You can buy orbs at 10k a hit or kill 500 creatures for the first 5 levels and 1000 each if creature levels can be tracked then one cold use it t make a better alt skill/perk system.

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I am not sure that I understand what it is that you are asking for. You want knowledge orbs that when used grant special perks to the character, i get that, but you're talking about something like sigil stones from oblivion that apply enchants to weapons and armor, or you want knowledge orbs that add custom perks to the player character? And yes you can make new perks.


In either case, i'd (or anyone willing to look at this) like a list of whatever you're talking about.

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I am not sure that I understand what it is that you are asking for. You want knowledge orbs that when used grant special perks to the character, i get that, but you're talking about something like sigil stones from oblivion that apply enchants to weapons and armor, or you want knowledge orbs that add custom perks to the player character? And yes you can make new perks.


In either case, i'd (or anyone willing to look at this) like a list of whatever you're talking about.

My bad I need to 200% proof these things LOL

Also have so much FO3/NV junk in my head right now I can not clearly think on Skyrim.


What I want is you kill X amount of creatures you get an orb you then can open a menu and select from a list of skills/abilities(some require previous skill/abilities) to buy to apply to yourself. Something like shouts really but normally they are more passive type stuff.


You should also be able to disable something you got. I can make powers and stuff but menus and even medium amounts of scripting is beyond me.

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