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[Solved] True ironsights off, weapon moves to center when firing


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Weapon animations can be a pain at times. This post is mainly to document how I solved the problem of having true ironsights off and weapons, particularly the laser pistol, still moving to the center of the screen when firing.


Tools needed: FOMM, FNVEdit


Starting off, when "true ironsights" are toggled off within the game itself, it does very little to the animation. At most, you will have a crosshair and an off-center weapon in the middle of your screen.


Using FNVEdit, locate the weapon(s) you wish to correct this for. For me, it was the energy weapons and the 2-handed rifles. I was okay with the ballistic pistols moving to center since they didn't obstruct my view. Once you have located the weapon(s) you wish to change, locate the "Flags1" field. Edit that field and click the box next to "Don't use 1st person ironsights". Be sure to edit the LAST mod that affects that weapon (rightmost) else your change will be overwritten. If you are using a vanilla game, you must go through the extra step to create an .esp from the weapons portion of falloutnv.esm. FNVEdit can do it. ;) While you're modifying these fields, make notes of which attack animation is used. Example: attackleft, attack2, attack3. When done, close FNVEdit and it will save your changes.


At this point, were you to launch the game, you would have weapon(s) that stay on the right when aiming, but will jump to center when firing. Just one more step.


If you do not use a weapon animation mod, you need to extract the .kf files from the animations.bsa. Using FOMM, open the BSAeditor under tools and select the animations.bsa. It's a LONG list. Use the search field at the bottom to locate the "_1st" animations. The filepath will look like: meshes\character\_1stperson. Extract all the .kf's that begin with "1hp" and "2hr" (1-handed pistol, 2-handed rifle). Move these to data\meshes\character\_1stperson. Once there, either delete or rename anything that ends in *is.kf. These are the ironsight animations. Make a copy of each primary animation and rename the copy to end in is.kf. Example 1hpattack2is.kf.


Once done, use FOMM to invalidate archives (disable then re-enable if already done) and you are ready to play!


I apologize in advance for any filename/path inconsistencies, I am not at my desktop while writing this. Hope this helps and happy gaming!

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