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Clipping Issues? and other problems..


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I started a new game and was looking forward to playing with a new race character I downloaded. When it got to the character creation menu at the beginning of the game, I found that my fonts were way too large. I had downloaded the darkUI and remembered that I need to change the fonts in the ini file.


That's my first problem, it seems I have no Oblivion.ini file. There's the default, but I certainly don't want to change that. So I figured if I save a game, maybe it'll show, but it didn't so I don't know what's going on (I'm used to the Morrowind system right now and it seems Oblivion was handled differently?)


Anyway, I figured I'd keep playing anyway but as soon as the guards showed up in my cell, I found that their hands and feet were missing! I'm guessing it's a clipping problem? I don't know. Also, one of the guards is supposed to be carrying a shield but all I see is this giant yellow "missing mesh" thing.


*sigh* So I was hopping you guys could help me figure out what's wrong. I tried looking at my mod files through Wyre Bash and mlox, but neither show any problems.


I'm going to try enabling them one by one, but I thought you guys might be able to help me out.


Oh, and one more thing, it also seems I can't use the mouse to click on the menu items. *shrug*


Anyway, Here are the mods I'm using:

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix

Magicka Regen x2

Magicka Fortification

Multiple Creature Summoning

za Bank Mod

Ren Beauty Pack - only hairs

House Map Markers

Portable Pastiche

Louder Nirnroot Sound

z Character Maker - quickstart

Slof's Oblivion Pillow Book

KD Dwemer Spectacles

Ingredient Storage Shelves

Lore Creatures

LCE addon

Male Body Replacer V4 (Robert's)

Quest Award Leveling

Quest Award Leveling - Fingers of the Mountain

Roleplaying Dialogues

tk Hair Pack 01

Furniture Repriced

Money Spell

Harvest [Flora]

Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles

RT Femaile Replacer V12 (Robert's)

Capucine's Aquamer Race

Slof's Extra Horses

Slof's Giger Armor

Mage Equipment

Slof's Manly Stride

Slof's Horses Base

Slof's Even More Male Things

X Races

Cliff Better Letters

Slof's Better Bodies

Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader

Chameleon - No Refraction 2411

Edited by ToxicCosmos
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