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distance before location is descovered dependant on survival skill


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BTW if anyone wants to do this before me (since I'm kind of swamped) and it *is* iMapMarkerRevealDistance, then it's just NVSE's SetNumericGameSetting.

no, I don't mean the distance before you see the marker on the compass, but how far you have to be before the "you have discovered X" message pops up and you get the XP boost

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if you give me a script to work with, devin, I'll go through all of the vanilla game locations and add them. cut down on the work load for ya a bit, but I'm afraid my scripting prowess is near zero :/

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no, I don't mean the distance before you see the marker on the compass, but how far you have to be before the "you have discovered X" message pops up and you get the XP boost

As I said in my previous post, I believe it is iMapMarkerRevealDistance. I beleive the distance before you see the marker on the compass is iMapMarkerVisibleDistance. The default for iMapMarkerRevealDistance is 1000, tell me how you want that in relation to survival skill and I'll put the mod together (ie 2000 at 100 survival, 1 at 0 survival etc).


if you give me a script to work with, devin, I'll go through all of the vanilla game locations and add them. cut down on the work load for ya a bit, but I'm afraid my scripting prowess is near zero :/

No need, this single game setting should do the trick.

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I had a crack at making a script for this, although I haven't tested it yet. any thoughts on the script, devin?

scn BlobsSurvivalBasedNavigationScript

float SurvivalTimer
short SurvivalChecked
ref PCSurvival
ref PCPerception
ref CompassDistance
ref DiscoverDistance

begin GameMode
	if Survivalchecked == 0
		set SurvivalTimer to 20
		set SurvivalCheck to 1
		set PCPerception to player.getav perception
		set PCSurvival to player.getav survival
		set CompassDistance to ( ( PCSurvival + ( PCPerception * 10 ) ) * 10 )
		set Discoverdistance to ( PCSurvival * 30 )
		SetNumaricGameSetting IMapMarkerRevealDistance to DiscoverDistance
		SetNumaricGameSetting IMapMarkerVisibleDistance to CompassDistance
		if SurvivalTimer > 0
			set SurvivalTimer to ( SurvivalTimer - getSecondsPassed )
			set PCPerception to player.getav perception
			set PCSurvival to player.getav survival
			set CompassDistance to ( ( PCSurvival + ( PCPerception * 10 ) ) * 10 )
			set DiscoverDistance to ( PCSurvival * 30 )
			SetNumaricGameSetting IMapMarkerRevealDistance to DiscoverDistance
			SetNumaricGameSetting IMapMarkerVisibleDistance to CompassDistance
Edited by TheBlob2
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