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GP-5 Gas Mask


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Why would you be Rad Resistant?


Why do you think people use gas masks when they visit Chernobyl? Why did people use Gasmasks in the 50's when bombs fell?


Yes particles do often penentrate the skin without making physical damage, Atleast any damage YOU can see. And it doesnt hurt. But since this is a game, It could maybe have some kind of resistance on it. Perhaps just something like +15 Rad Resist or better i dont know ..

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Why would you be Rad Resistant?


Why do you think people use gas masks when they visit Chernobyl? Why did people use Gasmasks in the 50's when bombs fell?



Because they look cool? Nah, I'm jk (well, jk about answer, but they do look cool). But a gasmask would be for like World War I gas from the Germans and the Reno 911 anti-terrorist skunk incident, so would this be a radiation mask you are asking for? o.0 jk again.

Ugh, it's 4AM and I have nothing better to do right now....Darn random thoughts.

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Why do you think people use gas masks when they visit Chernobyl? Why did people use Gasmasks in the 50's when bombs fell?

Ummm... I allways think that GasMasks protect from radioactive dust. What RadResistance should it provide, it's only rubber and filter.

So I think it not provide any protection from Gamma rays, cause they penetrate almost everything(except maybe 2 meters thick concrete wall and lead). Sorry for my English. ;)

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Why do you think people use gas masks when they visit Chernobyl? Why did people use Gasmasks in the 50's when bombs fell?

Ummm... I allways think that GasMasks protect from radioactive dust. What RadResistance should it provide, it's only rubber and filter.

So I think it not provide any protection from Gamma rays, cause they penetrate almost everything(except maybe 2 meters thick concrete wall and lead). Sorry for my English. ;)


Yes dust .. Gamma rays are not the same, But since this is a game it would be stupid to not add a little rad resist. You could still get rads but its harder perhaps?

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Looks awesome, I really cant wait to have this in fallout, It really does not matter how much rad resistance you give it you will stall get radiated, cause the max rad resistance is like 85%... but all in all 10-15 sounds reasonable in the game world.


are you my mommy?

ROTFL, that same thing popped in my head

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