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on screen hud with minimap, quickbars


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since i play a lot of MMO's i was wondering why no one has a minimap on screen, for internal spaces like houses and dungeons and when youre outside have it zoom out to show map markers for places youve discovered



also moveable quickbars that you can drag and drop spells, shouts, weapons to equip, potions or food onto for easy clicking, allow hotkeys to be mapped to those slots


quest titles and for tracked/focussed quests on the side of the screen with a description of what to do/ask when you get there.

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i realise these might be nearly impossible to do as there is no cursor on screen during gameplay, menu items are accessed after pressing tab to get a cursor, but once a quickbar is configured with items in slots in mcm, hotkeys can trigger those slots, the minimap can just be displayed and the quest column can just be displayed...

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