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Script question


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I want to end a quest by planting C-4 and destroying a vertibird. I cannot seem to make it work. I have tried setting it as a trigger, in all the ways I can imagin.... I've tried adding it as a target in the quest stages screen, adding it as a target/ reference, in the quest objectives screen, complete quest box is checked in the quest stages screen...I am not good with script as you will see, these saved in the GECK so I asumed on might work ? lol Any help at all is much appreciated I've been stuck on this for days!


scn aaenclave01EndTRIG


begin OnTrigger



if player.getdestroyed aaenclave01VertibirdREF

setStage aaenclave01 20





scn aaenclave01EndTRIG


begin OnTrigger player


if getStage aaenclave01 < 20

if player.getdestroyed aaenclave01VertibirdREF

setStage aaenclave01 20






scn aaenclave01stage20TriggerSCRIPT


begin onTrigger aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed


if aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed

setStage aaenclave01 20




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GetDestroyed is a bool that only accepts a reference.


if player.getdestroyed aaenclave01VertibirdREF


This line shouldn't even compile. I'm guessing you don't have the GECK PowerUp thingy that fixes script warnings? Should get that if you don't.


GetDestroyed doesn't take any variables, so the "aaenclave01VertibirdREF" after shouldn't be there.


if player.getdestroyed


This is checking if the player (you) has been destroyed, which is always false.


You have it right down lower:


if aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed


That is checking if the vertibird has been destroyed.



Oh, and in "begin onTrigger aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed", you should take out the "aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed" part, not sure why that's there.

Edited by Ez0n3
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Hey thank you for the fast response, that does shed some light... so if this is a correct script, why isnt it giving me 'quest completed'? I made stage 20 the final stage. Do I need to attach the script to the reference in some specific way?


Also I cannot get the geck power up to work. I have named it a safe file for comodo, and try to run as admin. it just doesnt do anything when i try to open it.





scn aaenclave01stage20TriggerSCRIPT


begin onTrigger

if aaenclave01VertibirdREF.GetDestroyed

setStage aaenclave01 20




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Ya I've tried 3 different variations of power up. I got geck 1.1, windows 7 64. I made sure the checkbox is checked. Do I need the area around the Vertibird to be in a trigger zone when I destroy the vertibird, and not just targeting the vertibird reference itself? My brain hurts...
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I was able to get geck powerup to work easily, on XP. The two key files are geckpu-nv.dll and geckpu-nv.exe. I put them into the same directory as geck.exe, double clicked on geckpu-nv.exe, and the regular geck window comes up. The original geck fails to show syntax errors in scripts and launching it with geckpu-nv makes it show the errors. For this alone, I consider it a lifesaver.


When you create a script with "ontrigger", the game assumes you are attaching it to a trigger object. Is that what you are doing? Triggers are usually a cube region which runs the script when the player enters the cube. I don't think that is what you want. It sounds like what you want is to have a gamemode script on the vertibird itself, like this (not tested):

begin gamemode
  if getdestroyed
     setstage aaenclave01 20

There may be a more efficient way, but it seems like that should work.

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AAh,HAAAA THANK YOU GUYS!!! Finally got it and it was the simple route all along... Ez0n3 and davidlallen Thank You! and kudos.

I spent DAYS overworking this easy frakin dilema lol. You guys prolly laughed at the crazy scripts I was coming up with. This is my first time trying to mod with Bethesda, or scripting in general.

At the rate Im going Diablo 3 will be out by the time I finish this mod, but I will def add you guys as credit for helpin me figure that one out.


If your interested, this started out as a way to make npc battles harder for me, so I got in the GECK and added some Enclave, and cant seem to quit now......

Now I wish I wouldnt have uploaded the begining work in progress to Nexus yet cause this is all based on that mod, and kinda spoils the quest if youve played that. Its called Enclave Ambush, I got so many plans now its like a DLC in my mind.... I'll have to smooth some things over, like the howitzer fire coming in from way out north when they are sitting west, getting the stage to end on C-4 use, (I think I got that one figured out now) fixing AI cause it is still a little weird. etc....


Still cant get geck power up to work for some reason.... Seems like something is blocking it. I alowed it and named as safe file/trusted file, to comodo, but I cant remove from Win 7 DEP ? Says it needs to be run in DEP. I tried run as admin too. IDK....I'm prolly overthinking that problem to lol >?

Edited by tawkingjames
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