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A Bugged Stat


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Hi all, got an in-game problem here.


I've seen this bug reported by a few other people here and there, but not found an answer anywhere, so, since I've run into it myself I thought I'd start here.


Currently on my main character, my fatigue is reading at 295 points less than my actual max. This means that my character has an effective fatigue bar max capped at less than one quarter of her full bar.


The fatigue recovers normally and decreases normally, and all spell effects and whatnot affect it normally, however, it will only recover to this mark, ~300 lower than it ought to me. The number decrease is exact and constant: If I forcefully fortify my max fatigue to some stupendously high number, then my bar looks full, because 295 is a tiny fraction of, say, 5 million, but I'm not willing to cheat like that.


For some details: I have nothing affecting my stats in the negative in this regard, no diseases, no stat damage, no drains etc. for trial purposes, I can do a full initialise of my character (console changing race/class/birthsign etc., then console removing those new augments and effects), so that when completely naked and unbuffed, my stats are all 'plain' colour, unaffected, and I have no spell effects listed in the active effects panel. The result is my fatigue reading, fixed, at about 100 of 400, and claiming to be unaffected by anything, as though I were simply fatigued and in the process of recovering, except that that is the maximum recovery point, and it won't go any higher.


I don’t know exactly when this happened, it's actually been present for a long time and I've not managed to track down a fix or fix it myself. For a long while I put up with it, because it fits well with my character anyway (she's somewhat frail of constitution and stamina and suffers from a +50 weakness to normal weapons, in pure character RP terms...), but I really would like to find out how and why this happened and hopefully fix it.


Hope someone can suggest something,




P.S. Oh, mods! Right what mods am I using... lots, actually, but I've got other characters who are not affected in this way operating under the same mod set, and I've also run a diagnostic test disabling every mod I could except those essential to play that character, and no dice. Those mod essential to the character are her race mod (a personally modified variant of Mog-Mod/Real Moogles, editing and combining aspects from each for personal use), Hgec options, for the body, and a self-made pack of moogle birthsigns one of which the character in question uses. This lattermost cannot be contributing to the problem, since the problem was around long before I wrote the birthsign pack.


P.P.S Screenshots included.







Level 50 character, so most of my stats are capped out to round numbers. If you’re wondering about the luck, I picked it at every focus that I could, and my birthsign/character background also boost it, over 50 levels I put ten individual points into it myself to reach the flat 100. (though the favouring was at the heavy cost of many other stats, as you can imagine...)


As for the Active Effects Panel, all of the debuffs and some of the buffs come from the Birthsign and Character Background (I use Cliff's Character Background plug, but again, modified to create extra particular entries for my own character.), while most of the buffs come from in-game things, like the grey prince, and the night mother's blessings etc. As you can see though, no debuff to fatigue or any contributing stats, and no diseases. Also for the record, I got Cliff's Character Backgrounds long after this problem occured, so it isn't a factor either.


In-Game Screenshot: that's for my fatigue bar in game. It's stationary and not moving there, locked down at that ~1/4 point. Wont' recover beyond there, nor can it be made to with potions/restore spells.


EDIT: (spelling)

Edited by Harla
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You can use the mod Actor Details to see "hidden" stats and factions from mods that may be affecting your character. It prints the information to console but it's best used with Conscribe, a console logging utility. If nothing is shown of relevance you can try using the UOP - Unofficial Oblivion Patch's stat restore feature from the in-game menu. Just make sure to remove all equipment before using the UOP stat restoration option.
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Thanks, I'll give that a go and see what falls out.



EDIT: I feel amazingly daft now. I feel more stupid than I can recall feeling for a long time, in fact.


I've had the UOP for a long, long time. Had the little key sitting in my inventory and never needed to use it for anyting much... I can't fathom why it didn't occur to me to check if it had a stat restore and use it.


Needless to say, problem largely solved, and thankyou for the advice.


What happenned was this: first tiem I used it, it claimed to be fixing and adjusting the fatigue by the 295 that it was out. however, it only actually effectively adjusted it by 244. Second time I used it, it again calimed to be adjusting it and fixing, this time by 51, as expected, but the actual adjsutment was only by 50. Further uses won't fix that one point difference, so I'ms till one point shy of my apparent maximum, but frankly I don't much care about that at this point. glad to have it fixed.


This begins to feel a bit like a 'problem arising from an old game' sort of deal... like the animtion glitching on files beyond a certain amount of paly hours. This game file has more than 500 hours on it, so if it's just something that has occured from build-up, then any time it bugs again the UOP should fix it fine.


Thanks again, and sorry for being such a nub.



Edited by Harla
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