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MultiCharacerMod IDEA


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Idea is to create a mod that would allow you to have more characters during the same game. Example: I always found it unreasonable that the same guy can be dragonborn, stormcloack leader, harbringer of companions, archmage of winterhold, thives guild, dark brotherhood and so on. If you could make, lets say three individuals and switch between them in game like in GTA V or Dragon Age, that would be awesome. You could make a Nord who would be Dragonorn and leader of companions, Dark elf who would be a mage and a bard and Argonian as an Assassin and Thief.

The enviorment and guards would level up same as your highest level character.

When you finish a certain quest with one character, you would get no chance to repeat it whit the others, so all the ndividuals actually act as one.

When you play as one of the individuals you could use others as followers.


Great thing would be to cobine this mod with "Alternate Start" so that you can make characters even more authentic with their background and how they got to Skyrim.


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