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somebody can make a mod where player can whistle or do any sound to attract enemy into a trap and make enemy to search more for you when you are in caution if you are hidden ?

And also make bear trap to be carryed and used ?

Sorry for my bag english

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Yeah, I would have wished for something like this. Like when you sneak in some place, you can pick up a tin can or some other object, and throw it in the direction you want your enemies' attention to. When they hear the sound, they'd turn to that direction, maybe even go and investigate, which would give you the opportunity to sneak passed them if you don't want to kill them (yet.) And be able to set your own traps would also be awesome, like bear traps for example. I've seen in a screenshot for the upcoming DLC, a weapon which looks very much like a bear trap attached to the fist, so it's like an "unarmed" weapon since you punch with it. Very nasty weapon (talking about nasty, cool unarmed weapons, I hope Obsidian reintroduce the punch gun from Fallout Tactics again!) Edited by SavageBeatings
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