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Player leaning in a weird direction


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My character suddenly started leaning backwards and towards the right whenever I have a weapon out, be it a melee or ranged weapon.


In 3rd-person mode, the model looks normal when the weapon isn't out, but when I draw any weapon, the model automatically aims higher than where my crosshairs are pointing, and she's leaning awkwardly to the right as well. Firing the weapon causes the bullet to go where the gun is pointed at (higher and a little off the the right) instead of the crosshairs. Punches and melee weapon attacks go high as well.


In 1st-person mode, for some reason, I can shoot and punch straight with hipfire, but going into ironsights causes the shots to go high like in 3rd-person mode. VATS shots and attacks go high as well.


My (Readius) Pipboy's location on the screen is messed up as well. The first time this problem occured, the Readius was too close to the camera, and a little tilted to the right as well. I tried reloading a few times, and it fixed itself, only to come up again 5 minutes later in an even more messed up location; tilted 45 degrees down to the right, and so low that I couldn't even see or click on the submenu headers on the bottom of the Readius Pipboy.


Does anyone know any way to resolve this problem? Thanks in advance.

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I had this exact same problem. Reloading older saves until I found one that didn't have the issue seems to have worked. Hope you have some close to your current point.


Unfortunately, no. I played for a long time before I realised I had this problem and also did not use any save other than quicksave and autosave.


I gave up and started an identical character. I hope I don't get this problem again, and neither does anyone else. Argh.

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