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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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Hey there folks, as you can see I'm not a seasoned veteran here at the Nexus and I have no mods to my name to attribute my credibility, but I do have a passion for modding none the less regardless of my level of skill. I'm starting my first mod that I will be uploading to the Nexus some day in the future and this mod entails sending the main character on an adventure into the depths of the Black Marsh. It will of course include a main quest line like there was in Cyrodiil, cities for the hero to visit and plenty of dungeons to be ransacked. I need modders of all skill levels and abilities to come together and work as a team to make this project a raging success. I will do as much as I possibly can for the TWM Project seeing as it features their popular modders resource Under the sign of the dragon - Tamriel Heightmaps. I suggest you download this modders resource for your own use during development. We will of course swap .esp files so that we can keep each other up to date, but in the mean time we will be starting with a blank slate, there is nothing except a pre-generated height map that is lore friendly and lore accurate. That means that the lands are much larger as the lore of the elder scroll novel entails. I hope to see some positive feedback here soon and possibly have candidates knocking at my door wishing to participate in this soon to be popular WIPz.


Map of Tamriel



This map literally is a full representation of the height maps size and intensity. As you can see there is a lot of land we can work with, but we will be focusing on Black Marsh only.

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I hope people will see the beauty in the WIPz. Without the help of many this project may not get off its feet. But I will work on developing a Black Marsh no matter what because I want to help better the mod project that I mentioned in the first link.
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Hello! I started working on the Argonia project for Morrowind some time ago, but dropped it in the very beginning due to some RL problems. I still have some ideas and several models finished, and a strong desire to see Blackmarsh finished. So I would like to participate this project and want to share some of my works (I worked mainly on Gideon and Kothringi architecture).


Here are some pictures:
















Sorry for the huge post...

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I love it dude, you're more than welcome to join us. As I said in my first post you need to download the proper mod files since we will be starting from scratch. I'd like to announce that the first step in our little project will take place in Stormhold. If we can make a decent Stormhold and upload it, of course blocking off access to unfinished areas, we may get some good reviews with the mod.


I'd also appreciate it if you use windows live messenger or some other form of messenger so we can stay in easy contact.


my live id is [email protected]

Edited by stealtrecon
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