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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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Well, TehBuddha, if I can figure out the dang UV Mapping, you can texture the fang of haynekhamet :P














Thanks to ub3rman123, I'm on my way to finishing the UV mapping process. I'm trying to seperate the hilt from the pommel, so I'm waiting on his answer on spliting vertices in the UV map menu.




Who made the model ?



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I did at first, then LHammonds helped me... lol Since I was telling him how I couldn't get the pommel right, he fixed it lol. It looks much better thanks to him.


It now looks like this:







Since LHammonds remade everything upto the handle, he does deserve most of the credit for the model. I did make the blade though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey do any of you guys need any help with voice acting or texturing? I don't mind voice acting and I'm good at making it sound as though it's professionally done. I'm not too too great with textures or UV Mapping but if you guys need anything professionally colored, like a map or something, I can do that just fine too. Any help you guys need just let me know and I'll see what I can do :D
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Stealtrecon let me start by thanking you for taking the time to hear the rest of us out. That having been said I personaly feel that Oblivon lacked the variety of weapons that Morrowind held and this limited the level of individuality as a whole, I appreciate both games and Bethesda by extension however so take this as a minor complaint from a thoroughly Impressed Gamer.


Long Die The Adoring Fan

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Interesting project,im currently new in modding for oblivion,ive made so far few mods and one update for Curse Of Hircine Ressurected,im currently in my own project (Rikimaru Stealth Assassin/Satyr race from Dota and wc3),anyway i maked Curse Of Hircine Sound Addon,Curse of Hircine Ressurected Update...and i have ideas for Npcs,Music...


I modded lots of games ofr myself,but most people know me for Black and white series of games on www.kayssplace.com mods.

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