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[WIPz] Black Marsh


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I'm currently working on the Gideon tileset (hope, it'll be finished in the end of next week). So, it could be used for Stormhold as well. I try to keep the style close both to Imperial an Ayleidic, though adding some unique details. I see Gideon as a grim, dark and gloomy and at the same time majestic and dignified city. Numerous channels are crossing its streets and the lanterns make the surrounding night even darker...


An example of Gideon house:



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very nice rhymer


since both stormhold and and gideon are both imperial and ayleidic I agree on recyclying several of the meshes,

we could probaly make a few unique buildings to both cities so both get there own flavour


I really like what you are doing for gideon, it fits with what was in my mind also,


for stormhold:

these is is an old living hist tree, so that one would maybe sit in a nice place in the middle of the city, with a sort of plaza around it (with the traders etc...)


personaly I see the blackmarsh as a litle bit more decayed. since its at the edge of the empire it should be less majestic then the middle province. but then again we got the beautifull ayleidic structures to balance that out I gues...

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well I took a look at the map earlier, and we know stormhold is build on stone pillars above the marsh (I was personaly thinking like houses on stone platforms with wooden bridges, but now that I see ryhmers concept that makes more sence, something more like venice, loads of channels to deal with the water...

ofcourse if you look at the map the gideon is build a little bit higher then stormhold, closer to blackwoods and not truly in the marsh. more like on the edge. maybe still in a area that looks more like blackwoods

but its still probaly build on soft ground like stormhold!!


by stormhold (what is quite north if you look on the map) the marsh already started. while the ground is probaly still higher there so not to much water, its soft and squishy, and the more south you get, the closer to the middle of the marsh the more water you get, till in the middle of the marsh I think its a lot of water with the ground that is there mostly held together by the roots of trees. what makes the cities closer to the middle trully be build on pillars. or maybe like tree houses in the trees. have to research some argonian architecture to be sure. maybe they got wooden palisades or are build in the trees? you need to keep the crocodiles and other predators away from your village after all.

Edited by dragonhunter
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Well, you'd think Argonians would be smart enough to have swords and bows in their villages when theres crocs and stuff around :P But being built in trees.... that would be epic. With a ladder leading up to some wooden platforms... heheh... I have so many bad thoughts related to killing stuff lol


Here's what I've found out thus far:


Most argonians that live in houses live in huts

Huts are possibly made out of branches with leaves covering the outside, held together with vines


Theres more here, thought it might be useful.



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