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Recommended Mods?


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Hmmm... we seem to have drifted off-topic. Instead of "What mods do you recommend and why?" we're focusing on one particular mod's approach to the overall game, and the individual changes that specific mod makes in this-or-that aspect of it.


As with "Improved Atmosphere", "Advanced Tactics", "slinks s3 RAVAge", and probably many other far-reaching mods that make fundemental changes in how certain things behave, getting those to work flawlessly with any and all other mods (not to mention later "official" patches and DLC) that a player may install can become a full time job.


I know. And for the most part I've stopped trying. Not because I don't appreciate, or even desire, what those mods do -- I'm just not willing to spend more time "fixing the fix" than enjoying the game. :laugh:

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Thanks :sweat:


Ah, Dark Times.

I do wish to play that badly. But, alas, with a downlaod limmit on my internet I have to wait 'till end of Janurary (when BT get their arses to my door) to download it :(

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Thanks :sweat:


Ah, Dark Times.

I do wish to play that badly. But, alas, with a downlaod limmit on my internet I have to wait 'till end of Janurary (when BT get their arses to my door) to download it :(


If you like Alistair (in your sig) just type "Alistair" in the search field when searching for mods...you may find things that interest you :D

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