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Leveled List and Vendor Integration for Existing Mods


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So, I'd like to know if there's anyone who's willing to take existing mods and make them work properly with vendor and leveled lists - there's some really great content on the Nexus that doesn't do much besides sit in Doc Mitchell's house and look good on the player should they decide to use it - especially stuff with a lot of content that you can't exactly carry around everywhere.

If I'm unclear, here is an example of what I'm talking about that was done with TG's Armor mod(albeit not done as meticulously as I prefer with vault and powder ganger uniforms appear on Legion and NCR troopers, but still WAY better than nothing):


Here's some examples of mods that could use proper integration. I'll add more later, as well.



Also, if anyone has/can make tutorials for those unfamiliar with the G.E.C.K. and FNVedit(cough, cough, ME :tongue: ), that could be helpful as well.


Edited by Manan6619
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Millenia did this great video here that will teach you a little something about leveled lists

it's also useful for if you want to know how to use nif files in the G.E.C.K. and it might give you some information on how to change certain aspects of a mod that you might not like.
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