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MGSO, Tamriel Rebuilt, Morrowind Rebirth tweaks.


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Does anyone know if i can use all three, with wide screen, the ability to upgrade any skill, trait beyond level 100, with the older vanilla graphics. I can run all three at pretty low settings, but i think i could do much better with fog disabled. The problem i experience is i WILL get a "vurt file error" code if i mess with the options. This makes the tree stumps appear like icicle shards, stalagmite coming from the ground. I am trying to get at least 30 fps consistency in towns or better. In caves/buildings i have no issues at all. My gpu is...

AMD Radeon R4 Graphics with an


AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics processor.


I would rather try and remove the fog to see if i can do better with my fps, but i will settle for vanilla graphics as long as i can add tamriel rebuilt, and the ability to train above 100, and the pick pocket overhaul.

All help is appreciated, im at my wits end, this is day 3 or 4 of modding/deleting/reinstalling/repeat.


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For training skills over 100, you need to update your Morrowind Code Patch to "2.2", MGSO contains "2.0". Once you extract the Code Patch files into the Morrowind Directory (With the Morrowind.exe), OVERWRITE FILES, then launch the Morrowind Code Patch executable with Admin rights. Check off the two "uncap" patches near the middle of the check box list for the Morrowind Code Patch patches. I honestly suggest (especially if you are having performance issues) to use this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/448vwh/mgso_updating_and_optimization_guide/. This will update Morrowind Code Patch as said above, but also update MGE XE to 0.9.10 from 0.9.0. You can then launch MGEXEGUI.exe as Admin, then do your setup. For changing fog settings: Launch MGSO setup as Admin AFTER you set it up with the old files, and go all the way to the end to "Configure MGE XE". Make sure that before you click the button to change MGE settings that you extract the new files into the Morrowind Directory. This will then launch the MGE XE 0.9.10 settings to be changed. Change any settings you like from the four different categories found at the top right. You mentioned missing meshes, models, etc: Make sure that you register the BSA files in the Morrowind.ini properly. Check what version of Tamriel Rebuilt you are using. If you are using the most recent version, you will also have to download Tamriel_Data.esm from Morrowind Nexus. The link can be found from the official Nexus upload for Tamriel Rebuilt. Make sure when installing MGSO with Morrowind Rebirth to select CUSTOM MOD, NO GRASS, AND UNCHECK ANIMATED MORROWIND from the MGSO options section of the MGSO setup. After you finish everything, from the guide above, extract the MGSO update files INTO A FOLDER THAT IS NOT YOUR MORROWIND DIRECTORY. Do NOT replace all files with the MGSO update files UNLESS IF NEEDED. There are two that MUST be done. The MGSO developer has recognized these two Meshes being issues in MGSO 3.0 and said he will eventually patch. These two meshes are "furn_de_table03" and "a_glassboots" (exact names aren't correct here, but in the MGSO update zip, navigate to Meshes -> A, then Meshes -> f. Both files can be found in each said folder.) IMPORTANT: Once everything is complete, you MUST go into the Morrowind Launcher, then open Data Files in the Launcher. Uncheck Morrowind Patch, Poorly Place Objects, and BOTH texture fix files. Once complete, open MGEXE 0.9.10, then go to the Distant Land tab -> Run Distant Land at the top. Uncheck the listed above (from unchecking in Data Files), then run Distant Land (with automation (top setting after selecting to run it)). Make sure in Data Files that all Morrowind Rebirth files are checked in the Morrowind Launcher. Not doing the above steps when using all three mods PLUS updating may cause massive issues. Remeber to register the ESM for Tamriel_Data.esm. This will take you about an hour, but it's worth it. Watch this video FIRST for installing, then do the updating work from the top of this post down to have better performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9ozQUZ8sqs. (The video is shorter than the full process)

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