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Questions from a noob... (about Estrus, Wyre Bash, and random question


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...By using a certain mod (downloaded from Tesnexus) I can't remember which one, but in the readme, it had instructions on how to convert those files to an OMOD, which I did, and which worked perfectly. I see the advantage in creating OMOD's and would like to do so with all/most of the mods I will use, is there a guide on how to convert regular mods not in OMOD format into OMOD's? I only ask because I screwed up on other mods which I tried to convert to OMOD, which is just another reason I am uninstalling/reinstalling Oblivion.


Of course, I have yet to use Wyre Bash, and possibly wouldn't need to have all mods in OMOD format if Wyre Bash can help me.


So after deleting all of Oblivion off my computer, I am thinking about trying out a new game, Fallout New Vegas... Due to space limitations on my computer, I don't have enough room for both Oblivion and Fallout, but all of the help on the topics here are interchangeable from Oblivion to Fallout, for the most part, as far as I can tell.


if you swtich to Fallout, theres the fo3nexus site for all your downloads, and has an upgraded version of obmm called fomm, but making omods for oblivion is easy on 90% of them. Omod ready downloads usually come with a script that gives an optional install criteria when activating called omod conversion data but most mods dont need one.


Generally if it isnt an obse pluggin, but able to be copied straight to the data folder merging textures/meshes and adding the esp &or esm, that can be converted to omod instead by adding the data folder into the obmm/mods folder and clicking add folder in the omod creator window.


then add name author version & download site optional. Usually guides tell you to choose add archive, which adds the unzipped download but I prefer adding everthing in folder format. Theres more advanced things you can do, learn to add scripts, add thumbnail photos, use Oblivion mod manager extended but depends on your interest level.

Edited by nisen
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I'm going to reply to bben46 first, as I like to *give respect to where it is deserved* and as a moderator I feel that he definitely deserves respect.


I would quote you bben46, but I feel there is no need to as you didn't type much. But to make a long story short, I have a pc and a mac, after a lot of trouble, I was able to get Oblivion to run on my mac, the only issue was not being able to use a controller, until I learned about mods. After I learned about mods, I installed Oblivion to my pc, and transferred my savegame data from my mac, which has over 100 hours on it (the vanilla version as I don't know if it is even possible to mod on a mac), so I was really just learning about modding and what all can be done with it, which is amazing, and it gives a new life to a semi-old game (now). I didn't do anything much at all except just mess around in the game using various mods. Yet, I did realize after I had deleted Oblivion that by doing so erased all savegames, so yes, this would have been wonderful advice for other players...


And if anyone wants me to upload this savegame of mine, I will, just ask... (I am archmage, and a bunch of other stuff)


Now to respond to nisen:


if you swtich to Fallout, theres the fo3nexus site for all your downloads, and has an upgraded version of obmm called fomm, but making omods for oblivion is easy on 90% of them. Omod ready downloads usually come with a script that gives an optional install criteria when activating called omod conversion data but most mods dont need one.


Generally if it isnt an obse pluggin, but able to be copied straight to the data folder merging textures/meshes and adding the esp &or esm, that can be converted to omod instead by adding the data folder into the obmm/mods folder and clicking add folder in the omod creator window.


then add name author version & download site optional. Usually guides tell you to choose add archive, which adds the unzipped download but I prefer adding everthing in folder format. Theres more advanced things you can do, learn to add scripts, add thumbnail photos, use Oblivion mod manager extended but depends on your interest level.


Again, nisen, this information is going to be extremely helpful, but I have an issue with installing FOMOD (yes, I know this issue belongs to Fallout New Vegas Forum, and it is) but once I do get FOMOD installed, I will refer back to this post of yours for instructions.


And again, thank you for responding with useful advice.

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