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A Couple of Scripting Problems


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Hi, Its my first post here and First time trying much in the Construction set.


Here is my script


scn TwstdSgKnockdownEffectScript
; - Twstd

Short	Chance
Ref Target

Begin ScriptEffectStart

Set Target to GetSelf

If Target GetDistance Player <= 5
	Player.PushActorAway Target 15


Now I was wondering if this would work or if there is a better way to do this,

What i want if you cant tell is if the Target is hit and is close enough to you

It blows back the Target a moderate distance,

As they were shot by a shotgun in the chest.

Ive spent time comparing the Mauler effect script to no avail

and was just wanting some help.


Second Idea/Problem


I want to make an explosive Spear, Ive figured out how to get it to Explode after it impact,

like a dynamite stick just by checking the explosion with timer boxes and setting it to 1.5

But my problem is that when i throw it and miss someone it works Fine but when i hit someone there is no explosion

Ive changed the projectile type to Lobber, But i want it to still have the ability to pin, So ive come up with a Solution.

I would Keep the projectile file the same but change the ammo file's "On Impact" Script, so it looks like this.


So i have to make it a object effect script

That looks like this. I guess.


scn TwstdSpearScript

short doOnce
float timer


Begin ScriptEffectStart

if ( doOnce == 0 )
	set timer to 1.5
set doOnce to 1	



Begin gameMode

if (doOnce == 1)
if (timer <= 0)
	PlaceAtMe NVDynamiteExplosion
		set doOnce to 2
	set timer to (timer - GetSecondsPassed)



I'm having problems attaching it to the object effect slot of the Weapon,

When i try to add the "Base Effect (that is associated to the Script)" to the Object Effect It doesn't let me when the Type is "Weapon"

The Dialog box Says


Quote: "The Effect 'Twstd Exp Spear Effect' Is invalid. Press OK to edit, or CANCEL to delete."


And here is the issue. Without the Type being "Weapon" I cant attach it to the Weapon File as the effect, it simply doesn't show up In any of the drop down boxes.




Any help With be greatly appreciated


Thanks in Advance.



Edited by Twstdsyzygy
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this is from my force push mod that i ported from fallout three with permision her this should help



scn aaaForcepushscript

begin gamemode

if player.hasperk aaaForcePush

if player.getitemcount forcepushgun == 0

player.additem forcepushgun 1





also its item not wepon

here ya go

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this is from my force push mod that i ported from fallout three with permision her this should help



scn aaaForcepushscript

begin gamemode

if player.hasperk aaaForcePush

if player.getitemcount forcepushgun == 0

player.additem forcepushgun 1





also its item not wepon

here ya go

So this is for adding something if the player doesnt have it?

Would you be able to do that same on target, such as


How did you make the weapon or "Forcepushgun" Push the target?

If you dont feel like pasting, could you post a link to your mod?

and ill pick apart your scripts to learn what i can.

This is really just a personal weapon, but if i do post it for the community ill be sure to give credit to you.

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Ive tried two different ways of doing it. Making it an ammo effect, and making it a weapon effect, both to no surmountable outcome....

here is the script i used.


scn TwstdShotgunKnockdownScript

ref MySelf
ref MyTarget

Begin ScriptEffectStart

set MyTarget to GetCombatTarget
If MyTarget GetDistance Player <= 10
	set MySelf to GetSelf
	player.pushactoraway MySelf 25


its not working as i would like it too. Its simply not doing anything. Like i can stand right next to the person and shoot them. And nothing happens. I tried in Increments...stepping back. Nothing.

Any ideas?


Im going to try it as an explosion... i think.

Ill let you know how that goes.


I had an idea for your force mod, lol. Did you think about making Force push a Vats attack for some of the melee weapons? idk If you could do a light saber...

But it was just a thought. XD

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Hum i will try something for you.. You want it to shoot them and do push away???? Also there is a light saber out there and i am pretty shure theyd let me use it... I want to add force choke and lighting alos force push feild basicly any thing from star wars would look sweet in new vegas. Let me know if you fix your problom :)
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yeah i want it to be an effect like you see in some movies when they get shot with a shotgun up close they fly back. Not necessarily killing them. and im using this all on a 6 Gauge Shotgun, Thats a big one... XD. the only thing that should be left alive after something like that is maybe a deathclaw if he got lucky. But i want things if they do get hit to fly back. if they are close enough.
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