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wierd projectile behaviour


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So my weapon if firing bullets straight up at the ceiling from the projectile node. I know its a Nif issue as I can just assign the weapon nif to a vanilla weapon and get the same result. Not sure what property in the Nif is doing this. Here is 'my' mod:




The original author described the same issue, so its been there the whole time. Not sure whats causing it. If I had to guess its something to do with the Havoc properties, but as Ive never built a Nif from the ground up, toying with the Havoc mesh and collision properties is a big learning experience. Anyone who could point me in the right direction would help me out huge.

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I havent ever made weapons but i looked at em in nifskope before.


Its not the havok stuff on a weapon. weapons have lotsa transform controlers tho on em for the reloading animation. It would be real cool to learn how to make those work right so u could make cool stuf like jack in the boxes lavalamps or turning on deskfans or whatever. but that is not the problem for you.


There is one ninode on the weapon that is called ProjectileNode and if u right click on it > transform > edit on it a window popsup where u can fiddle with its translation rotation and scale.

I dont know for sure but it could be that this ninode not being named "ProjectileNode" may be an alternative cause for your problem.

I think that the translation one specifies where the projectile originates and the rotation one is going to determine what direction it travels in.

Problem is tho u dont get to see any visual feedback from the rotation settings and u need to calibrate that to your crosshairs and ironsights or whatever.

I think u can use different nifs for first person and third person if u want to.


Anyway hope u solve your problem. Look at other nif files and see if u can find out how yours is supposed to be.

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Yeah my first assumption was the projectile node so believe me when I say I've troubleshot that to death. I did create a fix by just taking another sniper rifle nif and importing all the geometry from this rifle and removing the other essentially using the new rifles havoc/collision/projectile settings with the geometry of my existing rifle. This has worked with no issues, but doesnt tell me what the problem was.
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