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Oblivion Con System


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Hello, my first experience with Oblivion was poor when I realized mobs scaled with me. I'm accustomed to MMOs and didn't like this so I stopped playing. Then I heard about Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. Great mod! BUT! I keep getting frustrated cause I go to kill a little boar who looks like an easy kill but it whoops me into the ground.


So my question is, how hard would it be for me to make my own mod that simply gave me an indication of how strong something is? Whether I just make a hotkey that returns a mobs level or a warning message like EQ was that said something like "This looks to be an even fight" or "What do you want your tombstone to say?"


Just wondering the difficulty of this in theory. Any info would be appreciated, thank you.

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I'm not sure, I THINK it's possible. It will probably have to be a scripted spell. Something with MonsterYouCastSpellOn.GetLevel and player.GetLevel


There should be a way to find the level of a creature by casting a spell on it and comparing it to the players level. It's not really simple, so it would be best to wait to for a talented scripter (There are some around) who will probably know if it is possible, and how.

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THAT depends on how much you're willing to put into it, how patient you are, and what kind of person you are :)


Hardcore modders could do it in less than half an hour. I would have to use half an hour ;)

And (of course), it depends on how you want it to do it. If you go for hotkeys, you would have to set up a quest script as well. And use OBSE. Then it might take a little longer. Like, hours/days.


I suggest using a spell.

You can look up functions on this page:



Here goes the basic skeleton of a spell for doing that (the script):

scn ScriptNameWithoutSpaces

; Semicolon means a comment, something the game doesn't
; need to read.

ref me
; Here we declare a reference variable. That means a link to an actor.
short lvl
; here we declare a short variable. Shorts are integers.
short pclvl
; Variables are NOT case-sensitive, which means that PcLvL and PClvl
; and pCLvl all means the same to the game-engine.
short dIfF

Begin ScriptEffectStart
; Begin this when the spell is cast on someone
set me to getself
; Since the script is run ON the target of the spell, this returns a "link"
; to the target.
if ( isactor == 0 )
; If it can't move, let's stop here.
; Return stops the script from running any further. -- This time.
; End the IF statement ("mode")
set lvl to me.getlevel
set PClvl to player.getlevel
set diff to lvl - PClvl
; store (Target lvl - Player level) as "diff".
if ( diff < -4 )
;	 IF "diff" is less than -4, do the following lines
message "Hey, where did -- did you see anything?"
; Message "Blabla" writes Blabla in the upper left corner.
; A good example is "1 Short Sword added."
elseif ( diff < 0 )
; If not, check if "diff" is less than 0. If it is, do the following lines
message "You don't hit children, right?!"
elseif ( diff < 5 )
message "Would take a bit of luck."
elseif ( diff < 30 )
message "Would take quite a bit of luck -- and a hell of a lot healing potions!"
; If no of the above was run, run this.
; In this case, it will only be run if the target is 30 levels or more above
; the player's level.
message "Hmm... I wouldn't do it. Better run away."

End; End the ScriptEffectStart block.


EDIT: Forgot to end my code-box.

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Thanks for the help! The scripting language doesn't look that difficult. I'ved coded in several languages so this may not be as challengeing as I thought!


Many thanks!

That's a VERY good point to start at :)

I've been making programs and stuff for ages -- and really, I suck at everything else than retexing and scripting...

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