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Door Help :P (Teleport Marker Script Question)


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Hey I'm working on a mod expansion for a fallout 3 mod I converted (Feng Shui), baseicly it allows one to place a door anywhere in the wasteland and then come into an almost empty interior where one can build his/her own kind of base, bunker, tent etc. I just have one problem right now. Does anyone know if there's a way to use the MoveTo function or anything like that to move the player from the interior back to the placed exterior door, if not is there a way to create a new teleport marker that is connected to the interiors marker once the door is placed?


Any help at all would be apprecieted


PS I'm swedish so my english might be a bit dull.

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You can place 2 doors one in the wasteland, one in your expansion and connecte both together.

Or create a "teleporter script" (then use player.moveto MyExpensionXMarkerREF)

It can be an activator (begin on activate), a quest , an outfit (begin on equip), a ingestible item via effect script... the number of possibilities is enormous.

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