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Max number of mods


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It's not about how many MOD's the limit is at 254. It's all about conflicting and resource available to handle, if you know that your system is capable of handling that amount the problem always returns to which MOD is co-friendly or not which each other.
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It's not about how many MOD's the limit is at 254. It's all about conflicting and resource available to handle, if you know that your system is capable of handling that amount the problem always returns to which MOD is co-friendly or not which each other.


I have a modern gaming PC; windows 7 pro 64 bit, 8 gigs ram, a GTX 570 vid card, so my computer should be able to handle more then 139 mods.

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It's not about how many MOD's the limit is at 254. It's all about conflicting and resource available to handle, if you know that your system is capable of handling that amount the problem always returns to which MOD is co-friendly or not which each other.


I have a modern gaming PC; windows 7 pro 64 bit, 8 gigs ram, a GTX 570 vid card, so my computer should be able to handle more then 139 mods.


Should and does are 2 completely different things. I have PC built for gaming (Intel C2Q, 8gb, 285GTX OC 2gb, Win 7x64, and the limit on my system is 105. It should be able to handle more but it just doesn't. So thake all these reports of limits to heart, find yours and just adjust and merge mods accordingly.

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  • 1 month later...

I am running into this issue as well, I have a 'well-to-do' system as many have reported in this thread. Been having this issue for a couple of weeks. I suspect that beyond a non-specific hard-limit of installed mods - graphically heavy texture updates (of which I many) may also be a contributing factor: the variable system-specs that report different mod hard-limits might be attributed to heavy texturing? My installed folder for FNV is close to 40 GB, my game-install folder and modding resources are on different hard drives.


These reported issues certainly concur with my testing: I could never pin down a specific mod for causing the issue, but if I removed sequences of related mods (clothes, weapons, places, etc.) things would appear to function, but the issue would eventually creep in again as I added in mods from here and there (hard limit), For example, I thought the weapon-mod vending machine was causing an issue - but considering a full install of that mod can take almost 20 mod slots - I was definitely going over my mod limit.


I might consider some experiemental removal of some high-detail textures and see what that does. At the same time, can anyone point me the right direction on how I can merge my mods? I assume I can start dumping things into a single container or something, but I've never tried anyhting like that.

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I might consider some experiemental removal of some high-detail textures and see what that does. At the same time, can anyone point me the right direction on how I can merge my mods? I assume I can start dumping things into a single container or something, but I've never tried anyhting like that.


I think Wrye Bash has a function like that but I'm not sure. Please tell me if you find a way to merge your mods:)

Edited by nahtanoJ
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  • 9 months later...

You have not read anything but the conclusions... or, am I so bad explaining anything?


I have tested the mods one by one, then by groups; there are no conflicts between them. At 149 I could add an empty .esp -which I have done- and I would see the same issues.

Mods are not conflicting neither provoking errors except when I reach the limit .

When I post this is because I'm pretty sure that the hardware & software are not a limitation (core i7, 12GB ram, ....)


Believe it or test it by yourself, I don't need an explanation about how to test it.




Many thanks to Isabelaxxx for testing this. I have run into this exact issue after installing Underground Hideout New Vegas. The meshes of vanilla weapons disappeared. The Esc key to bring up the load/save screen stopped working. Random landscape objects lost their meshes. Other objects lost their textures. I know for a fact that Underground Hideout does not change the mesh for the default BB gun, so it wasn't a mod conflict per se.


I tried various things, and the size of the mod did matter. I could add several small mods without causing the giant exclamation points, but one big one would bork the whole system.


I ended up uninstalling NMC's texture pack. Now that is only a texture replacer and in theory should even count as a mod since there is no esp. But without it, everything works. So there seems to be some sort of memory limit. This is certainly not the texture pack's fault. But the game doesn't seem to be able to load everything past a certain point.

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  • 5 months later...

I'ma bring the dead horse back but I think it's worth it. Can anyone confirm a solid fix or at least identify the root cause of this whole stupid bug.


So far seems these are the theories:


1. Game can't read past a certain number of mods - likely but not my favorite theory

2. Game has a limit on the total number of RECORDS/OVERRIDES that it can process - again not my favorite

3. Game has a fatal flaw in it's code that prevents the game from using past "x" amount of memory even with the 4GB patch - my favorite for sure, makes perfect sense since the rest of the game is so badly implemented

4. Conflicts - AS IF.


Now from my experience - I'm up to 175 mods active - can't go any higher - BUT HERE'S THE CATCH - I can go higher, as long as the mod or plugin DOES NOT CONTAIN Worldspace data or cell data. HOW VERY INTERESTING.


This bug just killed my FNV experience and my hectic and getting better LO. My whole perfect NV project has come to ruin OVER A STUPID BUG. F***K OBSIDIAN AND THE GAMEBYRO ENGINE. PATCH IT PLEASE (that's just wishful thinking now lol)


I've gone to extremes and extracted out the NV.exe. Whilst I can't find all the sections necessary nor view it properly I can see enough to see how bad they have made this game. I can't believe it runs. It's like a whole port of TES4 with null ref's added to most of the original content and the new stuff whacked straight on top.


Now I am definitely going to change my opinion as to which theory I believe in: Has to be a hard limit of mods or it has to be the number of records in total that the game loads. I have tested memory and I can get the game up to 3gb. With another large mod installed of any kind I can sit at 2.3gb and the game's resources go nuts, no menus etc etc etc. We need a disgruntled player to go in to Obsidians office and put them at gun-point for this s*** XD. f*** that, but still....

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Its generally accepted that after 140 mods active you WILL have problems, sooner or later, somewhere with something.


If you managed to get to 160 or 200 or whatever, consider yourself VERY lucky you have not experianced game breaking problems. Or maybe you have and just didn't notice or assumed it was random bugs/mod conflicts.

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I'ma bring the dead horse back but I think it's worth it. Can anyone confirm a solid fix or at least identify the root cause of this whole stupid bug.


So far seems these are the theories:


1. Game can't read past a certain number of mods - likely but not my favorite theory

2. Game has a limit on the total number of RECORDS/OVERRIDES that it can process - again not my favorite

3. Game has a fatal flaw in it's code that prevents the game from using past "x" amount of memory even with the 4GB patch - my favorite for sure, makes perfect sense since the rest of the game is so badly implemented

4. Conflicts - AS IF.


Now from my experience - I'm up to 175 mods active - can't go any higher - BUT HERE'S THE CATCH - I can go higher, as long as the mod or plugin DOES NOT CONTAIN Worldspace data or cell data. HOW VERY INTERESTING.


This bug just killed my FNV experience and my hectic and getting better LO. My whole perfect NV project has come to ruin OVER A STUPID BUG. F***K OBSIDIAN AND THE GAMEBYRO ENGINE. PATCH IT PLEASE (that's just wishful thinking now lol)


I've gone to extremes and extracted out the NV.exe. Whilst I can't find all the sections necessary nor view it properly I can see enough to see how bad they have made this game. I can't believe it runs. It's like a whole port of TES4 with null ref's added to most of the original content and the new stuff whacked straight on top.


Now I am definitely going to change my opinion as to which theory I believe in: Has to be a hard limit of mods or it has to be the number of records in total that the game loads. I have tested memory and I can get the game up to 3gb. With another large mod installed of any kind I can sit at 2.3gb and the game's resources go nuts, no menus etc etc etc. We need a disgruntled player to go in to Obsidians office and put them at gun-point for this s*** XD. f*** that, but still....

It is not Obsidian fault.

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