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OBGE Issue with clean install


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So, I recently got myself a brand spankin' new computer, top of the line (Or at least as top of the line you can go without spending an extra thousand bucks on a slightly better processor). I installed Oblivion, Knights of the Nine, Shivering Isles, and the 1.2 patch, and then packed a whole bunch of mods in, all of which worked just dandy.


Until OBGE.


When I installed OBGE, the first thing I noticed when I turned on Oblivion was a distinct lack of loading screen, followed by a distinct lack of main menu text. With some random clicking, I managed to get to character creation, but... it was a mess. I could see his teeth and eyes, like the character's skin was transparent, along with everything else.


I thought it was something else, so I unactivated all my other mods. Nope, still an issue. The only way I fixed it was by moving OBGEv2 to a different folder, out of the Plugins for OBSE. Naturally, this is an issue; I'd like to be able to actually USE all this horsepower I'm packin'. So, have any of you heard of a problem like this before? Any way to fix it? And yes, I'm running the latest OBSE.

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