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Mesh not colliding


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So i've used a mesh from a projectile, and tried to convert it into a standard havok object that can be picked up, but the in-game item is totally static(doesnt even fall) and the item can't be targeted to pick it up. I have successfully added it to my inventory through console commands, but again if dropped, it just hovers in the air and can't be picked back up.


I have tried a few things in NifSkope, as i'm fairly sure this is where the problem is. I have replaced the NiTriStrips and collision related blocks of a normal clutter item with the ones i wanted, but this made no difference.


If anyone knows what i'm doing wrong, some help would be great.. thanks

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Under GECK what type of item is it? Static Items are items like furniture which is not what you want. Make sure your item is listed under Items, and not under World Object. Camera is an example of a Item. It can be picked up and carried in your inventory.


Also Check the Mass If it is 0 it will be a static immobile option.

Edited by Interfer0
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