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Unable to initiate conversation with NPC's


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I created a fairly big quest mod and when I began play testing it probably 3/4 of the NPC do not respond when I activate them. I have never run into this problem before, and can't seem to find a solution.


I've looked in Factions and been up and down my dialogs and am so freaking lost I want to shitcan it and start over, but... you know months... of effort.


If anyone has run in to this problem before and could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.



This is more complicated than anything I have tried before so a few questions:


1. Does every npc I create need a unique VoiceType?


2. Can two npc be assigned to the same piece of dialog if they have the same VoiceType?




Nevermind I am an idiot

Edited by saxon7610
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Might want to post how/what you did to fix it, because people might be having the same problem.


I agree, people occasionally stumble on to fixes on the forums when they have an issue.

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Well it's either he forgot to start the quest with "greeting" topic or forgot to give names to NPC (when you have empthy field instead of NPC name you can't start dialogue with him).


For creatures - don't forget to set "Allow player dialogue" box.

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