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However, unfortunately (at least with the older version of it that I'm playing) you cant access the forge until after you've visited Camp from Lothering.


While that's still true for the enchantment bit, the forge abilities are now available everywhere straight off the bat, so one can create items (etc) immediately after the intro cutscene. Well, because how the cutscenes are handled players have to quicksave / quickload once to jumpstart TWF's initialization, but once that's done you're free to go. The forge abilities will then be available via the tools quickitem, while item creation and TWF configuration will be in the skill book :



Arrow pointing at the Item Creation skill


That's pretty much how I use it myself anyway. :sweat:

Edited by Phaenan
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Right on :thumbsup:

I'd heard that the newer versions had an updated interface. Thanks much for the update. Appreciate the new info :) :thumbsup:


T0mm- you can DL her work either by the link in Phaenan's sig, or if you want to stay here on the nexus, its located here too.

So yeah, you can use TWF to craft the clothes for your toons (almost) anytime. W00T!

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Thanks, DarkeWolf - an impromptu tutorial on how to make an additem script. It may be useful in the future for me, who knows if I decide to make some mods myself one day...


Not a problem at all :)

I'm always glad to help, and always glad when somebody can make use of knowledge that is passed along :)


And yeah, I gotta say... this is kinda useful to know. Like if you download a mod that has custom armor or custom weapons or something else that adds the item to the inventory of the character. But... only does it once. So if you want another suit of say... the Runic Armor, you've only got one suit and can't get another. :(

So whip up one of these scripts and you can have as many suits of them as you want :D Just have to crack open the mod files in the toolset to get the filenames for the pieces, and you're good to go :)


I hope that you do take an interest in doing some of your own modding. And if this helps you out along the way, that is absolutely terrific! :thumbsup:

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