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whats wrong with this?


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player.MoveTo  wicwolfhevhellfmXMarker2

im trying to put that at the end of a topic (the pleyer choices yes and the ferryman takes them somewere) but it just keeps saying can not compile script can any1 help me on this?


might want to try

player.MoveToMarker  wicwolfhevhellfmXMarker2


If it's called from a dialogue, and still doesn't work, try using a quest script to control the moveto functions, and use the dialogue to trigger them through stages.

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you could also try using the reference (editor) id instead of "wicwolfhevhellfmXMarker2"

it woukd look something like this:


(uhmm cant get the "code" function working but here goes)



Player.MoveTo 0000009C, 1, 0, 0



the "1, 0, 0" part im not sure why i need, not sure if i need it, it is X, Y ,Z coordinates, but why and how i dont know, i just saw it worked with other scripts, and used it.....


the "0000009C" part is what is necessary to change, this is the umm... "in world individual reference id" or something like that.


this trick works only if the "in world individual object" is Persistent; there is a box you can check if you double click the object i the renderer window, BUT i do not know whether it may cause problems, making for example a carpet persistent... doors usually already are, and markers, but doors have a nasty habit of making you come out on the wrong side of the mapping.....


thats almost the longest post i ever made :D

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