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Problems with my mods

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so i'm a pretty obsessive mod user, I try to create a world to my liking or tune everything to make it how I want it so I use a lot of mods. I recently had been playing skyrim which I had hundreds of mods for but I wanted something new, so I switched back to fallout new Vegas which I had never tried to mod before. There are so far as I can tell two problems, one I think I know the cause in which my textures for FCO (Fallout Character Overhaul) the eyes are messed up the custom ones anyways.


Now the second problem i'm having and this is the main one the serious one thats killing me, is that whenever I try to play I don't crash but when I load into other areas my loading screen freeze and the game stops responding. When I started lvl 1 fresh our of docs house I sold some stuff at the store fine but when I went into goodsprings bar, the wheel stopped turning and when I alt tab to see what happened it had stopped responding. heres a picture of my mods please help me.



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