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Where to start


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well, you could always look here

this site does have most of the information that you will need, if you intend to start modding


as for really where to start, it depends on what you are trying to do

i would suggest you to first decide what it is that you want to make, and then search for tutorials on doing that thing

because there are many types of mods, and each requires different knowledge and programs

so you really need to know what you are trying to do, in order to do it

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so you are talking about just modifying the item (not changing textures or meshes), right??

because this is unbelievably easy (i'm serious, it's REALLY easy)


do you know where to look, to find these items in the GECK??

not sure exactly where the glasses are, but the Hunting Rifle is Items -> Weapon -> weapons -> 2HandRifle

in that list, look under the name column, and find the hunting rifle

right click on it, and choose Edit

now you can modify the item as you please

and if you want to make a new item, just change the ID, click ok, and say yes, when asked if you want to create a new instance


as for modifying the weapon, you can see a list of the aspects of the gun here, with explanations on how they work

so you could just change the things that you want


for the glasses, it's basically the same, but you will probably also want to give them a special effect (like +1 Luck for example)

to do this, you need to create a new item effect, and then choose it on your item


if you need any more help, you are very welcome to ask :)

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Here's a thread I made just for people like you!


How To Become A Modder


It's mainly a refernece to everything you may need for the different types of modding.


If you want new models and things try this thread of mine


Modelers Contributions Here



I made in the hopes I could teach myself how to mod and help other people who had been just as frustrated as me and decided to learn too.

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