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Did BW miss something


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After you clean out the undead from Redcliffe and make the choice to go to the Circle for mages to save Connor, shouldn't there be a conversation with Morrigan asking if she will go into the fade to defeat the demon? Perhaps BW couldn't be bothered, hoped no one would notice or didn't even give it a second thought.


There is the conversation with her asking if it's possible to save Connor, which I thought was stupid because you already know the answer to that question, did anyone else think it stupid?


I thought it would be nice to be able to actually ask her if she would be the one to do it and maybe even get some small approval that you are showing you value her above any other to go into the fade and do this.


I wonder if it would be possible to make something like this a mod?

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There are many ways for that to go. Jowan can tell you that you need a lot of mages and lyrium and Alistair interjects that the circle has both. If she is present, Wynne can suggest it. If no one is present you can go to camp and Morrigan will tell you about it. As for asking someone to go, there are several ways for that to play out as well. A mage PC can enter the fade and the obvious Jowan, Wynne, Morrigan selection so perhaps they didn't want to make a bunch of conversations that people are eventually going to keep banging away on their escape key to end.


For someone experienced in making cutscenes it probably wouldn't be difficult to make until they tried to get Mori to voice the dialogue at which point you have a major problem as the dialogue doesn't exist (unless of course they know Claudia Black and can talk her into doing the VO.)

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:laugh: There isn't a conversation "asking" her if she'll go, but there is an "I'll go, even though you didn't even ask!" response from her.

So it seems to me that they didn't overlook this, they chose it! :tongue:

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I know it can go many ways, but I always send Morrigan in as her spells work best and as much as I like the fade I prefer to get in and out as quickly as possible on that occasion. I just don't like the conversation in camp afterwards, it seems stupid asking a her question you already know the answer to and the conversation could be followed by asking her to go in.


Do you know what dialogue route you have to take to get her to say "I'll go"? She is usually with the party in the castle when it's under discussion, but I don't ever recall her saying that.

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... Do you know what dialogue route you have to take to get her to say "I'll go"? She is usually with the party in the castle when it's under discussion, but I don't ever recall her saying that.

Right after defeating (possessed) Bann Teagan in the Castle in Redcliffe. When everyone is discussing how to defeat the Demon. If you ask Jowan, (presuming you've freed him from the cell in the dungeon) "Do you have anything to add?", he says someone could enter the Fade and fight the demon there. If prompted, he will go on to admit that Blood Magic needed to provide the power, Isolde will offer her life to do it, Alistair will object, and Morrigan will say it sounds like a fair bargain to her, "with a willing participant."


If you then say you've decided and that Jowan's going to perform the ritual to send another mage into the fade you are prompted to say who will enter. Choose Morri and she says, "I notice that you do not ask me, but very well, I shall go. I am your willing slave." Ms. Black manages to express both sarcasm and humor in delivering that line. :laugh:

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A PC mage is the best option to go through. ;)


Other than that...I like Morrigan best. She has the best offensive spells for the job.


I sent Jowan once, and it was a lot harder - his spells aren't quite up to the task. If he didn't have Drain Life I doubt he'd make it.


Haven't sent Wynne through, yet. MIght try that on my next play through.

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... Do you know what dialogue route you have to take to get her to say "I'll go"? She is usually with the party in the castle when it's under discussion, but I don't ever recall her saying that.

Right after defeating (possessed) Bann Teagan in the Castle in Redcliffe. When everyone is discussing how to defeat the Demon. If you ask Jowan, (presuming you've freed him from the cell in the dungeon) "Do you have anything to add?", he says someone could enter the Fade and fight the demon there. If prompted, he will go on to admit that Blood Magic needed to provide the power, Isolde will offer her life to do it, Alistair will object, and Morrigan will say it sounds like a fair bargain to her, "with a willing participant."


If you then say you've decided and that Jowan's going to perform the ritual to send another mage into the fade you are prompted to say who will enter. Choose Morri and she says, "I notice that you do not ask me, but very well, I shall go. I am your willing slave." Ms. Black manages to express both sarcasm and humor in delivering that line. :laugh:


Ah that explains it, I've never followed those particular branches of the conversation, but she's right. Jowan I would just order, but he's useless, the Enchanter is an unknown quantity and rather not waste my time, so no. As for Wynne what would she do heal them to death or preach until they took their own lives, probably :laugh: so it always has to be Morrigan and I would like to be able to ask her. I agree she is the perfect voice for Morrigan, she delivers the lines so well.

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A PC mage is the best option to go through. ;)


Other than that...I like Morrigan best. She has the best offensive spells for the job.


I sent Jowan once, and it was a lot harder - his spells aren't quite up to the task. If he didn't have Drain Life I doubt he'd make it.


Haven't sent Wynne through, yet. MIght try that on my next play through.


Wynne's a bit harder than the other two (due that she is a supporting mage) but I once tried to get Irving into the fade with no effect (my persuasion was not high enough).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lol after sending Jowan once in abid for his atonement, [ his spells are low level at best] I actually made irving go [ he owed me darn it! lol ] He has some really really fun spells! i totally enjoyed that! I have sent wynne and morrian [ morrigan does well} wynne was primarily set up as healer so that didnt rock my socks either.] I agree tho Pc is totally the best choice if you are a mage, otherwise have Irving or morrigan do it
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