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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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Yes it hass officially gone to s#*!.


Mybe if they added better modsupport including something like 200 mods modpacks that you can just ad as 1 mod that are perfectly tweaked to work together i whould give them like 2 euro's


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In response to post #24589844. #24590684, #24590844 are all replies on the same post.

xjzantha wrote:
dking384 wrote: They have to recoup the money they lost for ESO lol :-P
Arendella wrote: Lol I forgot that POS Game went free to play because everyone realized it sucks. I'm fine playing FF14

I guess they shouldn't have canceled that Skyrim DLC after all...
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Some previously ignorant people are now going to have a very sudden and painful introduction to the ugly world of intellectual property and "rights management", and what that means to creativity. The swimming pool will get emptier. Has everyone forgotten so soon what purpose the Steam service serves? Do you think copyright and making money off of monopolizing things are part of the future that Gene Roddenberry envisioned? This drags us back from that future into the Dark Ages.
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Once people start using and uploading other compagnies IP to make a quick buck in the Steam Workshop things will go downhill for all modders and modding, not just for Skyrim.

Big IP holders are usually not keen on other people making money from their IP. They’ve mostly turned a blind eye in the past when the mods were FREE but with this new wave of making money from mods one has to wonder for how long. Valve has a poor track record when it comes down to curating their store (Green Light and Early Access are a disaster area).


Seeing there is a full page worth of Zelda related mods (Nintendo), Star Wars and Marvel related mods (Disney)… I fear for the future of sites like the Nexus. Yes the mods are free (now) but you are running ads on these pages and ads bring in money…


I feel Valve and Bethesda have brought unwanted attention to the mod scene by allowing paid mods and taking 75% of the revenue.



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I already posted this before, but I am THAT concerned and pissed off that I will type it again. People need to understand the severe implications of this. This will be long.


1) Consumer support. How will I know im getting a quality product? That has been thoroughly tested? If A company sells me a game that breaks a few days after release, I can ask for a refund. With this 24 hour policy, mods can literally destroy your load order, become un-usable, and we will have nothing to do but blame ourselves.


2) Who tests these products? Was it a team or just one guy? How do I know it will work on my setup? Again, the refund policy DOES NOT help.


3) The Steam Greenlight effect. Every since the SG showed up, steam has been infested and flooded with low-quality efortless quick cash grabs just to scam people for pocket change. THIS is the future of modding if we allow this to happen.


4) The Workshop gets hundreds of mods per week. Who will check that every single one of them is worth being put on sale? What will stop people from just ripping mods from someone else and selling it for some money? Nothing.


5)Micro-transactions. This is the new disease that has impregnated gaming(particularly console gaming), and this is just that. Now we have micro-transactions for single player games we love like Skyrim. This opens the doors to a horrible future, in which Bethesda might implement things like that themselves.


By god, I could go on forever. We cannot allow this to happen, this will most definitely destroy the modding community and a big part of PC gaming. I never ONCE posted something on this site, because I tend to be the casual observer, but this time I HAVE to act. If we let this ´´slide ´´ then it´s entirely possible that in a few years, modding sites will be as scammer infested and irreputable like Early access and Steam Greenlight is.

Please, spread the word!

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In response to post #24589239. #24590604 is also a reply to the same post.

PoobahGorg wrote:
EnaiSiaion wrote: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

you know, this is something that already exists for a long time in music, books, etc...
except that the authors, usually, don't get 25%, but 8-10% in the best case scenario.
The minimum amount for getting their money also exists there.

If that kind of drama could also wake up people on how authors of anything are treated in general, that could be a good thing, after all.
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Now that Valve is taking modding seriously and has a profit to be made from it, I doubt it will be long before the functionality of the Workshop exceeds that of the Nexus. While the Workshop is currently an under-featured mess that I prefer to avoid, I assume that it already 1-ups the Nexus (non-premium at least) in terms of download speeds, with them big servers and all.


Let's face it, with the amount resources Valve have they could probably build a website more functional than this one in less than a fortnight. Not saying they will though, as Valve aren't exactly well known for "swift" development, but I wouldn't be surprised if a massive update to the workshop will release alongside Fallout 4.


If this does happen, then the only thing left the Nexus will have going for is the community. I hope the folks behind the Nexus continue to embrace the modding community and promote the collaboration between modders, so that the Nexus can remain the No. 1 site for video game modding.


That being said, while comment moderation is definitely important for maintaining a positive atmosphere, I strongly believe that banning people for minor offences like making sarcastic remarks or God forbid having 2 separate accounts definitely does not do good for the community, and is one of the main factors that promotes the negative image of the Nexus. We need to be encouraging people to use the Nexus, not deter them from it, and banning great modders like ThirteenOranges and Trainwiz (the latter finally being reinstated after over two years) certainly doesn't promote an inviting image.


When I see cases like these it honestly makes me fearful to comment on the Nexus, in case what I said is misinterpreted as "offensive", and I know many users refrain from commenting ever, for this very reason. No one wants to live in country where you can be persecuted for stating your opinion, and the same pretty much goes for using websites. Sure, censor (aka delete) non-constructive comments if you must, but it is my opinion that no one should ever be banned for politely stating their opinion, even if their opinion is "I can't believe this mod is in the Hot Files".


Anyway, that's just my -2--c-e-n-t-s- *I'm not paying to write a comment now too* on where I think the Nexus needs to improve to better it's odds of survival against the army of GabeN. Long live the Nexus!

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In response to post #24590949.

raupao wrote:

I think with regards to testing and quality, I think mod reviews from people like Brodual and Gopher are going to become much more important. I always head over to YouTube to watch a few reviews on a game before spending any money on it, and I can imagine many people will want to do the same regarding paid mods.
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